Introduction: Host Kayla Swanson introduces guest Cindi Mausehund to discuss handling walkouts and rebuilding salon culture.Cindi’s Background: Cindi shares her journey from sales desk to co-owning a salon with 16 team members.Experiencing a Walkout: Cindi details the impact of losing 8 team members over several months, reducing the staff to 4 stylists.Adjustments: The salon condensed hours and adjusted schedules to maintain a vibrant environment with fewer staff.Emotional Impact: Cindi discusses feelings of hurt and betrayal, emphasizing the owner's emotional investment.Rebuilding Strategy: Post-walkout, the salon held open Q&A sessions, revised their mission statement, and focused on team communication.Hiring for Culture Fit: New hires were chosen based on cultural fit rather than skill level to ensure alignment with the salon’s values.Team Involvement: Involving current team members in the hiring process helped integrate new hires and strengthen the team.Leadership & Connection: Cindi highlights the importance of staying connected with the team and regularly seeking feedback.Final Advice: Cindi advises balancing future goals with enjoying the present, fostering a fun and positive work environment.