Game film is a integral part of any football team's activities. Oddly, in sales many don't use game film. With the ability to record calls in an easy-to-use interface companies can create a structure to have managers and reps coaching each other. In this episode, CRO of ExecVision Steve Richard, talks about how companies are creating coaching programs that actually work.

In This Episode You'll Learn:

How to capture call recordings in compliance with State and Federal laws
The one PowerDialer feature you’re likely not using
Step-by-step call coaching playbook: why, who, when, how
How to break call recordings like Jon Gruden breaks down game film on ESPN

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

26: Owning the Sales Conversation w/Josh Harcus @TeamHuify
12: How I Broke the Rules and Doubled Oracles' Inside Sales Revenues w/Dan Freund
Coaching Webinar with Gabe Larsen and Steve Richards