The workforce is changing. According to a White House report, 33% of the current workforce is a millennial and in 4 years time, millennials will make up over 50% of the entire U.S. workforce. Millennials do things differently and they expect their work life to be like the rest of their life -- supported by technology and A.I. The problem is, it's not. Work is the one area where sales reps do not get much support from A.I. and that trend is changing. A.I. in enterprise sales is at a tipping point and it's a good thing because if you look at the day of a typical millennial sales rep, you'd be shocked at what happens. I know I was. In this episode, Steve and Gabe discuss the power of A.I. in the our personal lives and gap we're experiencing in our work life.

In This Episode You'll Learn:

What a day in the life of a millennial sales rep looks like

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

LinkedIn Post: A Day In The Life Of A Millennial Sales Rep: Why A.I. Is Causing A Sales Revolution
34: Data + Science = Sales Revolution w/Dave Elkington @InsideSales