Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

ALAN'S FINAL TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Adopt "10 assists." Every morning you wake up, you can put 10 rubber bands on your left wrist or you can put 10 pennies in your left pocket. Every time you give an assist to either a current client or customer or to a prospect, take one rubber band off your left wrist and put it on your right wrist, or you take one penny out of your left pocket and you put it in your right pocket. Don't go to bed until you know that you've dished out 10 assists, or that you've done 10 things above and beyond what you're expected to do, to add value to someone else or to assist a prospect client or a current customer. Start to keep tangible count of how much you're trying to help others and fill their buckets, both with future business and with current business. I guarantee you, that will help you raise your game.

Alan Stein Jr. is a performance coach who works with business leaders, sales leaders and sales teams all around the world.

He's the author of the new best-seller Raise Your Game.