This is episode 090.

Read the complete transcript on The Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

JOHN'S CLOSING TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Don't let the fear of failure be your guiding principle. Embrace failure. Know that if you're failing you're stretching the boundaries of your horizons. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn. Embrace failure as a way to broaden your horizons and become more comfortable with the notion that it takes a lot of no's to get to a yes. Collect the no's because the faster you collect the no's, the quicker you get to the yes."

John Hicks leads sales for InfinityQS International in Fairfax, Virginia.

InfinityQS is the leading provider of statistical process control software and services to manufacturers world-wide.

He's been in sales leadership for 15 years with past contributions at VERISIGN and Intuit.