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The two most common lies I see people struggle with are also what slows them down...

Hey, do you guys remember that time I was hooked up to a lie detector machine in front of an FBI agent?

Welcome to Sales Funnel Radio, where you'll learn marketing strategies to grow your online business using today's best internet sales funnels. And now, here's your host, Steve Larsen.

I was with the army at basic training, it was 10 weeks longs, we were doing all the things you see in Hollywood. We were running around, we were shooting, we were throwing grenades, we were shooting machine guns, we were really up early, up really late, hardly any sleep, hardly any food. You know what I mean?

The whole works...

I was one of the only guys who was there over the age of 20. I was definitely one of the only guys there who was married and I was definitely, definitely one of the only guys of the entire 200 in my company who actually had kids, also. I went into the army at an age that most people do not go into at. I'm about to get out, which is awesome.

At the end of the training, my company they showed up and they said, "Hey, we need some people to go over to this polygraph machine and you're going to help FBI, NSA, and CIA agents with their polygraph skills." If you don't know what that is, that's like the lie detector machine, right? They like look in your pupils and stuff like that.

Some of that's true, some of that isn't. They're like, "Hey, Larsen, we know that you have a pretty clean record. You need to go do that with them." I was like, "Okay. Dang, all right."

They send me over to this building, which happens to be the national polygraph testing center. We're marching over there, it's early morning, the sun's not even up yet and you're marching over there. Everyone's holding their gun and stuff and we're walking over.

We get inside there and we sit down in this room and it was kind of dramatic. This lady walks in and she goes, "Hey, by the way, just want you to know this is an actual polygraph.

If we find anything inside your actual record, or anything comes up, or we uncover anything we will kick you out of the army and there's a chance you could go to jail." We were like, "What? Holy crap." It's funny because some people started opting out of it. They were like, "Oh, I feel sick. There's no way I could do this." I was like, "Sweet, this is cool."

They were like, "By the way, also, if it doesn't go well or if we feel like you're lying we're going to take you to this room and we're going to interrogate you." I was like, "No way. I have got to get interrogated." They're like, "Sir, you're not supposed to want to get interrogated." I was like, "Come on. That was would be so fun." I was like, "Is there a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling and you guys are going to hit it, and yell in my face, and fire a gun somewhere? I don't know, interrogate me!"

They're like, "You're not supposed to want that."

Anyway, so they take me over to this room. We literally waited all day. They take me over to this room and we sit down in this chair. It's just me. The room is totally quiet. There's just a desk, this random lady sitting there I think as an agent from some agency. I don't know. It could have been Jason Bourne, I don't know. No, but we were sitting there and it was just this lady and I in this closed room. It was quiet.

I just remember how quiet it was. It was extremely, extremely quiet. The kind of quiet where you can hear your own breathing, where you can ... It's like your thoughts are almost loud. You know what I mean? It's that kind of room. Super, super, super quiet. Can't hear anything out, can't hear barely anything in because the agent wasn't saying anything.

I was sitting there and they start hooking me up to this machine. It was like I was in a dentist chair almost. I sat back and I laid back in this thing. They were wrapping straps around my chest, and around my arms, and at my fingertips. Polygraphs were a lot easier to beat way back in the day. They're pretty good now, though.

What's funny about lying, this is what they taught us, is that any time you tell or hear a lie, anytime you especially tell a lie, you have a physiological response to that lie. The same response happens as if a disease entered your body. That's why they're able to tell and see if you lied because whether or not you want to there's this reaction inside your body that is harmful whenever you lie. I was like, "Whoa, that's really cool.

I've got to remember that."

Obviously, I did...

What they're doing is they're looking for all these different spikes in your body; blood pressure, pupil dilating thing, all these different things. The pupil dilating this is, I guess, an easy way to not see it so they don't do that as much. Anyway, it was fascinating though.

I'm hooked up to this machine and they start asking these questions just to see where my normal response is. "Is your name Steven Larsen?" "Yes." "Are you a man?" "Yes." They ask all these super false things, "Are we in Mexico?" "No."

You know what I mean?

Really, really it's exactly like you hear in the movies. Pretty soon ... What we were instructed to do was at some point, because this was a training exercise for the agent, we had to lie. They told us we had to lie sometime in there. They were like, "Don't tell us where. Don't tell us when. Don't tell us the question that you're going to lie about. Nothing. You tell the truth the whole way through because it's a real polygraph and at some point in there you need to lie." We were like, "Crap, okay. Okay, sounds good."

I had this place. I was like, "I'm going to lie here. Here is where I'm going to lie." Mentally, you know it's coming up. The polygraph is going great. That spot started coming up and I was trying to keep myself cool knowing that I'm about to lie to an actual ... I think she either CIA or FBI ... An actual agent. I was like, "Crap, here it comes and I've got to be good at this."

The lie comes up and it was something ridiculous like, "Are you affiliated with a terrorist organization?" Or, "Do you supply and create mass illegal drugs?" Or some ridiculous thing and I lied on it. The agent leans in, kind of like this slow breath, leans back out a little bit, squints, and then she asks the same question again, and I lied.

She goes ... Then, she just moves on right next to the next question. I was like, "Oh my gosh, I just beat a polygraph machine. I just beat a polygraph machine. That's ridiculous."

She believed it. What was funny was that she almost caught me. She almost got me. I'm a little sad that she didn't because it meant that I could go get interrogated and I was good enough that they never picked it up. I was like, "Crap, I want to go to the interrogation room. Come on, make it hard, coach."

That happened. We walk out and I started thinking through because I went back to the rest of the people they brought with us. There was like 50 of us, 40 or 50 of us, something like that. There was only like one other person, two other people who actually beat it. Everybody else was caught. I was thinking like, "How interesting of all those tests, why did we beat it?"

There's two reasons why...

Number one, I realized that I had to put myself in the state of absolute apathy. There needed to be ... I literally had to care about nothing in the world. I literally had to care about nothing but myself. It was the weirdest feeling and sensation, almost out of body experience ever. Number one, I had to get in a state of apathy. No decision mattered, nothing matter. Number two, this was the hardest part and I almost messed it up; I had to believe the lie.

I had to believe the lie...

The first time she asked, I almost didn't make it. She almost caught me. I was like, "Crap, I have to actually believe that what I'm telling you right now is true."

There was like this moment ... I only had a few seconds between each question each time she asked where I had to really dig down and actually believe the lie. I will tell you that that is one of the major reasons people are not successful. You're like, "Steven, what the heck does that have to do anything with it?" I'm telling you right now, or business in general, is most of the time is what ends up happening is there's really two sets of lies that go on inside a person's head.

We just finished another FHAT event, as we call it, Funnel Hack-A-Thon, that's F-H-A-T, the F-Hat. Funnel Hack-A-Thon. It's three days, it's intense, there's now hundreds of hundreds of people that have gone through it that I've been able to take through, which has been a lot of fun. There's always two sets of lies that I always need to overcome in the person's brain.

Even though they paid to be there. Even though they have some of the best information. Even though there's some of the greatest advantages, stuff I've never had. Huge stepping stones in their favor towards their success.

This is true for anything you go do, anything that you go out and you try. Whenever you're trying to make money, whenever you're trying to go try a new sport, anything; there's always two sets of lies the individual has to over come inside their head. I've noticed it over, and over, and over, and over. It's the same things.

When I'm on stage and I'm talking, and I'm speaking, and I'm going, and we're showing these different things, there's two different lies. If you can over come these two lies, it's going to be great for you. Number one, the first lie is a lie all about limits, internal limits.

The lie basically says, "I can't. I am unable. I won't be able to. This something that won't work for me. It's great that it worked for you, it's not going to work for me."

It's a set of internal "I can'ts", personal lies about the individual. It's limiting about your own self, about your own abilities, your own skills. You've got to understand that everybody feels that way. There's not reason to go and say, "Oh my gosh, there's no way I can get this done." Everybody felt like that at one time.

I'm not saying you should not feel that. Those are feelings of inadequacy that can come to any person no matter how good you are. Even Madonna talks about a lot of the ... I actually really don't like her at all. I think she's dumb. I hate Madonna.

What I think is fascinating is there is an article I heard about where she talks about the incredible, incredible self doubt that she goes through even before she's about to hit stage now when she's already successful. You know what I'm saying? I'm not telling you that limiting beliefs and lies about yourself are not going to happen. They're going to happen at every stage. It's going to happen.

It doesn't matter how confident you act...

It doesn't matter how sincere you act, how cool, and calm, and collected you are on the outside. Every person fights with a level of internal, "Hey, can I actually do this? Is this actually something inside of me that I'm able to accomplish?" Every person. There's no reason to be excluding because you feel that way. Every person goes through it.

It's funny to watch. I'll always see ... We'll get through a big principle at the Funnel Hack-A-Thon event, right? Three days are going through and we've been on stage, we've been going for 18 hours, just on day two alone. It's an intense event. It's a lot of fun. We get a lot of things done with it. The two comma coaching events. I can always tell who's about to have that belief. I always need to crush it immediately. I'm not telling you to get into this motivated, "Blah, blah, blah," like la la land stuff.

I'm telling you to expect that you will have those and understand that when you are, you've got to be self aware enough to realize that when you're experiencing that belief. Does that make sense? When you're experiencing the belief that there's no way I, personally, can get this done. "Steven, what does that have to do with business?"

Everything. It has everything to do with business.

Russell Bronson says there's a place now where the question and the problem is, "Who the heck to we funnel hack?" He's so far ahead of every person who's out there. The issue now is, who do we funnel hack? We don't know. The list is getting small because he is in the forefront.

Who the heck are you modeling after now?

You talk about internal beliefs he's got to completely battle and go over. I know that. We've got to go and say, "Hey, I'm at the forefront of this." This is something that no one's ever done and completely be able to take the risk that you could be dead wrong. You've got to be totally fine with that. You've got to be fine with that. That's the secret to getting over that lie.

You need to be okay with the fact that you're totally going to fall flat on your face. 90 percent of the time that doesn't happen.

There's some level of success that happens inside and you've got to learn to look at it and go, "Hey, look, I was successful here. I was successful there. This has been great because of x, y, and z." If you can learn to look at the good, it's not that you're shunning or acting like the bad doesn't exist or like the failure didn't happen. Know that it did. Learn from the failure.

Also know that if you sit and you stew on it and you go, "Look, I'm not good at this. I'm not good at that. I'm not good at blah, blah, blah," you're never going to make it. It's that strong of a requirement. In order to be successful with any kind of business, anything. You guys know how freaked out I was just to launch this podcast, let alone the funnels put out in the world. It's a freaky experience sometimes.

You're like, "Crap, this could go and fall dead on its face." I'm not telling you to go totally numb and be like, "Well, I don't care about anything." I'm not telling you to do what I did and go into a total state of apathy. That's not the right answer. You should care. You should be really freaking passionate.

But to go and say, "Oh my gosh, it doesn't exist," or whatever, learn from the mistake. That's fine. There's so many times I see people, especially when I'm on stage, and it's coaching or whatever it is. Chatting with people, it's all about, "Oh, I don't want to mess up." You're gonna. "I don't want to fail." You're gonna. "I don't want to this. I don't want to that." Guess what? We all fell flat on our face.

Do you know how many times we fail at click funnels? A lot and it's totally fine. We've all hit this place where we're like, "You know what? We're going to give it our best shot round one." When you launch your course, or when you launch your funnel, when you go and launch whatever it is you've got to be willing to be able to fail. That's how the success comes.

You've got to be able to look at the failure and be like, "Okay, that's fine." You know what, it's not that I'm expecting it. I'm hoping it doesn't happen, but when it does, that's okay because I'll recover quickly.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I'll recover fast and do my next reiteration and launch it immediately again. Boom, launch again, launch again, launch again, launch again, launch again, fail, launch again, fail, launch again, fail, boom. You go, and you go, and you go.

The problem is that a lot of times the tying between each failure is so freaking long because we're trying to recover or we're trying to make sure it doesn't happen again or whatever. Who cares?

Just go launch the thing. It's gonna fail. Just expect it to. Then, turn around and then you make the tweaks. Let the market tell you. You don't currently know everything that you need to to be successful.

The market knows. You'll never know unless you launch something. Anyway, that's limiting belief number one.

That was totally a rant. I hope that that makes sense. This is number two, though. Number one, the lie that people always experience when they're about to do anything business-wise is number one, is an internal based lie. "I can't. I won't be able to. I am unable." It's all about the ability of the individual. "I can't."

The second kind of lie that I see that people will hit against is, it's external. "That can't work. That won't work. That isn't proven. That system's not correct. That funnel isn't good enough. That funnel isn't ... That business model. That product." You know what I mean? They make it external. What ends up happening is it becomes an excuse for them to anchor the fact that they haven't launched on those things. They go, "You know, I haven't launched yet. I haven't put those things out because of that. The market is bad."

That was one of mine...

My first time in real estate, I went around I put signs up all over the place. I got 300 people to call me in a single month, which is awesome. I was not a realtor. I was in the middle of college, like my second year. I had no idea what I was doing. All I was doing was trying to match sellers with buyers and take a cut in the middle. I was doing a double escrow close. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it. I got seven contracts. Guess what?

None of them closed. I got two multi-million dollar contracts, commercial real estate listings, and I knew how to get the deals at the time, but I had no idea how to close them though. For the longest time I blamed the market. Realizing, though, eventually that actually I wasn't good enough at selling the contracts that I was getting. I could get the contracts. I was good at that, but I was not good enough yet.

One of the issues with ... The funny part about these two different lies is one is internal about the individual. The other is an external form. What's funny is usually the external lie is usually to cover up an internal insecurity. Does that make sense? "Hey, the market's not good." No, Steven was just really bad at selling the contracts he was getting. You know what I mean? He didn't know enough at that time. That sucks. That was really embarrassing. That actually was a very painful experience for me, professionally, to fail that hard after so many months of doing it. Finally, I just dropped all the contracts and I was done. I was like, "Ugh."

Anyways, guys, those are two different kinds of lies. One of things that you can do best to hamper yourself is to believe lies. You've got to understand that those two different types of lies are really, really prominent and they will never stop. They're going to be something that pops up ... You know what's funny? I don't know if you guys watch the Funnel Hacker TV episodes, but there was one about me and my pump up songs.

I was sitting in our sound booth. I'm about ready to get on a four hour coaching call and I got on these coaching calls, right? Before I do it though, holy crap, you guys. I take a little caffeine and I turn up the ... I turn up really heavy rock music and I have jam session every single time to get me jazzed up because I need to always make sure I'm in state so that I'm not ... It's like a repellent against any kind of lies. Especially, two kinds of lies. "I won't be able to do this coaching call well enough." That's not true. Number two, "What if this system fails?" Usually there's like seminars or something like that.

Do you see what I'm saying? They will always pop up. Always. They're constantly there. Because they're constantly there, the noise that it creates often causes the individual to believe that it's true. It's not true at all. There's just opposition in everything. If you're doing great stuff, also understand that you're going to have crappy stuff that comes up at the same time.

Equal intensities, equal strengths the whole way. That's okay. Expect it.

Anyway, hopefully that's been helpful. Don't believe the lies. Believe that you can do it even though you might not know enough, that doesn't mean it's not possible. It's possible. It's possible. It's possible for me to go be amazing at this stuff. It's possible for me to go be successful. It's possible for the system that I'm building to work. It's possible for that funnel. It's possible for that market to want it. Does that makes sense? That kind of hope you build your whole foundation and business on is huge.

There's a recurring thing. I hope it was okay. It's not necessarily an actual funnel strategy episode, but hopefully it's been helpful. Buddha once said that ... He said, "Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts." That's from Buddha. I'll say it one more time. He said, Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts."

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