Here's a look at some of my favorite selling methods AND how I'm using them in my funnels.

What's going on everyone? This is Steve Larsen and you are listening to Sales Funnel Radio.

Welcome to Sales Funnel Radio where you'll learn marketing strategies to grow your online business using today's best internet sales funnels. And now, here's your host, Steve Larsen.

Hey, hope you guys are doing good. The last little bit here's been a little bit busy, we've had 4th of July, we had a bunch of family over. We went and bought a ton of fireworks. We blew a whole bunch of stuff up, and it reminded me a lot of my childhood. We used to take them all apart and make our own fireworks. It was not safe, but it was a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun with family over, and it's just been busy.

There was a lot of people here just enjoying the house, enjoying the place we just moved into, and it's just been great. It's been a good experience the last little bit. I just literally have not had the time to podcast. It's 11:30 at night right now, and I just decided I should probably push one back out there.

I wanted to show you guys something really cool that has been on my mind the last little bit. This will probably be a quick episode, but I just wanted to share with you this really cool epiphany that I've been having about "The Perfect Webinar Script."

Now if you don't know what I'm talking about, "The Perfect Webinar Script" is the script that Russell Brunson has put together to help basically sell anything. Now it's perfect webinar script, but we've often mentioned how much we wish that it wasn't called "The Perfect Webinar Script" because it can be used for any kind of sales; whether you're doing stage presentation, whether you're doing any kind of obviously webinar, of course, video. Honestly guys, I use "The Perfect Webinar Script" on you guys, on this podcast, almost every single episode.

You probably just don't know that's what I'm doing...

I always come up with a story, and the story is structured similar or the same way. Usually there's a wall, my back is up against a wall, there's inner and external desires, there's conflict along the way.

As I go toward the main thing I think I want, there's this side transformation that happens.

You know what I mean? We go through the hero's journey, and I don't always hit them all perfectly every single time. If I was crafting an actual sales message I would, but I use that as a guideline for anything. You can use "The Perfect Webinar Script" for any kind of communication with any of your people at any time.

What's really been fun is a lot of you guys know that I'm the coach for the "2 Comma Club Coaching Program" of Russell's, and it's been a lot of fun. Every Friday I'll get on and typically there's anywhere from 30 to 70 people on the phone calls, a big range back and forth, but 30 to 70 people.

I'm there for about four hours, four solid hours and I've done that for probably four months now. Each week on Fridays for about four months now and it's been way, way past 40 hours of me and our little sound recording booth right next to where Russell's office is, and it's really awesome.

I go sit over there and it's funny, there's always an air conditioning vent right above my head, it doesn't stop, and it's way too powerful for the little tiny room, so I'm always numb by the end of the four hours, but it's a lot of fun, I really enjoy it. There's a bunch of people that get on and what happens is they'll come submit all their questions, "Hey, how does this work here? Should I use this script? Is my funnel set up correctly here? Is it this, this, this, this?" There's tons of questions that I get.

Hundreds that we've gone back and indexed...

Over the last, especially the last about six weeks, through this last group that's just gone through it, there's been this realization that I've been having more and more and more. You might look at this and might go, "Okay, Stephen duh, like, I get it. That make sense. How come you didn't see that, Steve, okay?"

But for me, I just barely saw this...

It takes me back to when I was doing door to door sales. I know I reference that a lot, but it really was a massive boot camp, so to speak, on how to sell, how to approach people and how to handle objections. Obviously you've got to do that in a sales funnel, this is Sales Funnel Radio.

I remember there was a guy that brought me to the side once, and he said, "Stephen, look," and he was actually the guy that recruited me into the company to go sell for them for that summer. He brought me to the side, and he goes, "Look, Stephen, here's the big secret. People already know whether or not they want the thing, whatever you're selling. They already have made the decision. You don't need to convince them to have the product, yes, or no. What you're trying to do is you're trying to help them come to a logical conclusion, so they can close themselves.

That's it. That's the whole thing. That's the whole secret.

You are not there to create desire.

You can amplify desire...

You can take someone's desire and you can blow it up, or you can poke at it a little bit and say, 'Remember, here's desire. Remember you do want this, remember, see,' then you start logically closing them, 'Hey, you should get it now because the price is going to go up,' or, 'You should get it now because you know what,' well, some pest control, 'We're spraying the neighbors so since we're here,' and you start logically showing them how that fits. How the decision to actually buy your product works." He's like, "That's the big secret, man."

When I was speaking at Dan Henry's event at AdCON in Florida, he actually had a whole speech about that very thing. That very, very same thing. I still remember the story, it was really, really cool. It was all about the same time. This whole thing started forming in my mind, like, "Oh, my gosh. Here's a connection, here's a connection, here's a connection. Wow! That works!"

Looks like we've been doing that all along, and I didn't even know it. What was cool was Dan Henry stood up, and he starts telling a story about when he was, I hope he's okay to tell me this, I'm sure he is ... Had a great interview with him, by the way, on this podcast go back and listen to it if you want to.

He told a story about when, I think he was selling Dish or TV services or something like that, and he was the top salesman in Dish; they'd sell two, three, four services a day and he would do 17, insane amounts.

These are sales funnels. Please try and think how you can use this inside of sales funnels. It's been really helpful, it's actually simplified the sales process for me a lot. Just work with me for just a second here. Stick with me. What he would do is he would stand up and go to these big conventions, and he would basically, as people would walk up to him, and they'd walk by the booth that they had set up there, people would walk by the booth and all he would do is he would stand up and go, "Hey, did you forget to sign up for Dish?" and they'd go, "What?" and he'd go, "Get out of here," and he'd wait for the next person, "Hey, did you forget to sign up for Dish?"

They'd be like, "What? No, no." He'd be like, "Okay, okay, nevermind, get out of here." He just kept saying that over and over again, "Hey, did you forget to sign up for Dish?" "You know what, I did and ..." and he would go, "Oh, hey, it's fine. We got a form right here. You'll have it done in two minutes. While you're here it's super easy, and we got some cool thing.

Just do it right now," and he'd hand them a piece of paper. He'd hand them the form with the pen right there.

Did he try and convince them? No. But he would do that literally every single day for every single person and go, "Hey, did you forget to sign up for Dish?" "Did you forget to sign up for Dish" He just kept asking that over and over and over again. He said, "Guys, it's the reason I don't split test my ads, I split test my audiences. I keep my ad so targeted that the right person who hears that will be the easiest lay down sale."

He's going and he's grabbing the low hanging fruit that a lot of times we'll go and overthink. That was one of the first things. You take what he was saying about keeping the message in such a way that you're just tapping into desire that already exists. People already want to buy. They already want to buy. They always are ready to want to buy.

Buying is such an emotional thing. We get this dopamine release, we love to buy stuff. We actually physically get somewhat of a high from when we buy stuff. We all want to feel that. We don't want to feel sold because we feel taken, we feel cheated, we feel cheap, but we do want to go buy. We want to make that decision on our own and come to that conclusion on our own.

The way we do that is we start to logically close people and hopefully the message resonates with people who've already decided whether or not to buy it. Think about that.

Then you think about what the other guy was saying with door-to-door sales. "Look, man, they already have made the decision. They already know. All you're doing is you're trying to help them see why it's a good decision to do it now. Do it right now. Take action now. There's no time line. Nobody's ever going to do anything." Then you mix that with what Dan Henry was saying at his event, and it just amplifies that.

Taking the same message and just pounding it over and over and over and that's how he would get ... I think he got to go meet the VP of Dish and all this stuff because he blew away so many records with that kind of thing.

Coming back to the "2 Comma Club Coaching," the last little bit, we've been focusing heavily on webinars. How to create a million dollar webinar. That's part of what my job is I go and help them tweak the message, tweak the funnel, put all the stuff together, launch the thing. What happened? How do we fix it? Sitting where I am, it's a cool experience to go back and forth with them and do that. That's what the "2 Comma Club Coaching" is. There's a ton of other stuff but that's what the Q&A section is.

One of the reoccurring things that I've noticed over and over again with the way people write their pitches, or the way the people will write scripts. This is true for webinars, it's true for trip wire funnels, it's true for back end funnels where the really high ticket things versus low ticket, anything at all.

Someone sent a funnel to me that said, "Hey, Stephen, check this out." I went and I checked it out and on the copy, the actual sales copy itself, was a whole lot of logical reasons. There was nothing else on there but a whole bunch of logical reasons why I should buy the thing.

A lot of people write copy that way. A lot of newbs...

A lot of people who don't know how to write copy or people who don't know how to write any kind of sales messaging or have never done sales at all before. A lot of them will handle sales that way. They'll get straight into the logic of it. The problem when you do that is that you haven't tapped into the emotional side.

This is where Russell helps and bridges the gap like crazy. Especially with "The Perfect Webinar Script." He says, "Guys, look. Buying is an emotional experience. First, we've got to appeal to the emotions. Let's load up the front end of this pitch with a ton of stories." That's what "The Perfect Webinar Script" is. What Russell teaches and what "The Perfect Webinar Script" ... It's so funny, when I spoke at Dan Henry's event, I used "The Perfect Webinar Script." There wasn't a pitch at the end. When I spoke at LCT, there wasn't a pitch at the end, but it was "The Perfect Webinar Script."

Teaching and breaking and rebuilding belief patterns in general works for anything. Any kind of content and communication that you put out there.

The huge realization that I had recently about it is that when you ... There's a great book I'd recommend out there called "Pitch Anything." I don't remember the author but the book, "Pitch Anything" also illustrates a huge part of what I'm trying to say right here. When you think about the sales process, and I walk up to someone at their door, and I knock on the door and what's the first thing they're thinking inside their house?

"Wait a second. Who the heck is at my door? Should I be worried? Should I be nervous? Is there someone out there? Is there a killer? Is there a robber? Is someone going to come in and take from me? Is it the tax guy? Should I run?" You know what I mean. There's tons of question and red flags that get raised in someone's head when they're not expecting someone to come to the door.

They come to the door and what's the first thing? If I stand up and go, "What's up, man? I got this thing and this, this, this," and logical close, logical close, logical close. The very first thing that person's going to do is they're going to start backing up.

They're going to go, "Let me put as many walls up. How can I get rid of this guy? There's something on the stove. My wife's calling me. Not interested at this time." They'll just shut the door, shut the door, shut the door. That sucks but it happens in any kind of sale, even if they wanted it.

What the book, "Pitch Anything" goes through is it talks about and says, "Hey look, literally every single one of us has got these instincts on survival that have to be met before any kind of buying decision can be made." These are things that have been part of all humanity in our brains for millions of years, they make up the brain.

As soon as the sale starts, actually not even the sale, as soon as I approach anybody, the very first things that are going through their head are, "Is this going to hurt me? Is this going to ... Should I run? Should I fight? Can I eat it? Can I mate with it?"

You know what I mean? It's all the primal instincts that are just meant to keep me alive and there's all this subconscious decisions that are starting to fly through my head. I don't even know that I'm making those, but I do that every single time. Really fast, quick judgements on whether or not I should fight, flee, eat. You know what I mean?

Anytime I meet anyone, any new situation in general, we're constantly accessing through what the book, "Pitch Anything" calls the croc brain. We got to get through the croc brain. As soon as we help someone come down with all those different red flags, and we help them pull down the walls and pull down the barriers, they have to do that.

I can't do that...

If I try and do that it will feel like an infringement, and they will back up. But if I can help them convince themselves that everything's safe, everything's fine, this is new, it's exciting, there's novelty here. If it's boring, that's another wall. It can't be boring, that's another wall, run away. But if it's new, it's novelty, but it's not so new that it's scary, it's out on the fringes then, "Hey, who's this guy at my door?"

What Russell then teaches is that, a bridge from the book, "Pitch Anything" to "The Perfect Webinar Script" is why don't we tell some stories? The person I'm talking to might have some false beliefs. They may want the product but have a few questions.

I'm going to figure out what these people actually need, and I'm going to go answer that actual question. I'm sorry, I'm diving deep a little bit into a few different concepts here, and I hope that this is making sense.

I've talked for 14 minutes. I said this is going to be a fast episode. I hope this is making sense. I hope really this is helpful because a lot of the sales funnels that are being sent to me, honestly, an overwhelming amount of them I just can't look at them, but a lot of them what's actually happening I've noticed is that everybody ... You cannot make a sale by only going logical.

Even when people think, "Hey, I'm an engineer. Hey, I'm a software guy. Hey, I'm an architect. Hey, I'm a ..." Like the brainiacs of the world when they're self-proclaimed brainiacs of the world, even it they think that they need to be closed logically, they still have got to be closed emotionally.

Everybody makes the decision emotionally to buy first. Well, guess what? That happens before what Russell calls "The Stack." Before you actually get into the price, before you actually get into what the offer is, before you actually start asking for somebody's money, they have already decided if they want the product.

The price is almost irrelevant...

The price is almost always irrelevant. It's almost always a matter of whether or not you broke and rebuilt that person's belief patterns to accept your message. To accept the fact that the product does fit their life. If you have rebuilt their belief patterns that strongly, by the time you get to what Russell calls "The Stack," and if you don't know what I'm talking about go to or join and you'll run through that and you'll see.

Hey, look first we're going to focus on false beliefs then, then ... Just so you know, Russell, when he does his perfect webinars, he doesn't start the actual logical closing phase until about an hour into the actual webinar. An hour. A whole hour. Crazy, ridiculous, that's amazing.

A whole hour...

The first hour is spent on breaking and rebuilding belief patterns. The first hour. Then only 20, 30 minutes is spent on the logical part of it. But that's not how most of us sell.

Most of us think we got to get out there, and we got to start logically closing people. It's completely 180, it's totally the opposite. We'll start logically closing, "Well, it's on sale. Well, you know what, since you're here. Well, you know what, why don't we have you come over and just try it on?" You know what I mean? It's all these logical closes, "Well, it has these features. Well, it's better than that other competitor. It's better than that other competitor. We have this, this and this."

He's like "Oh, well I didn't even know that was an option so thank you for telling me about your competition."

Hopefully, this is starting to make sense, what I'm saying. There's really three major phases of the sale. Three major phases. Now this is what I found, this is what I've used. There's three major phases. Number one, you've got to get past their immediate knee-jerk reaction subconscious croc brain.

Number one, you've got to get past the croc brain. You got to get past all of the ancient parts of the brain that just keep us alive. You got to get past that. Part of that, I said, is meaning you can't just be boring.

That's another wall. It's still got to be new...

It's still got to be novelty. It's still got to be things that are interesting. Number one, you got to get past the knee-jerk gatekeeper of our brains.

Number two, break and rebuild belief patterns using story. The belief patterns, the false beliefs that they most likely have, you're making stories that directly go against what their false beliefs are, so you can break and rebuild the belief patterns.

Number three, that's when you start doing the logical closes, and it's typically the shortest phase.

I hope that helped. I hope that made sense to you. That was probably the most technobabble I've ever said on a podcast ever, and I'm so sorry. I hope that it made sense what I was trying to say.

Back to door-to-door sales. When I started learning more about the product that I was selling at door-to-door sales, my sales plummeted, they plummeted. It's because I started logically closing people. That was it. I got really good at getting past that gatekeeper, that part of the brain.

I got really good at getting past all those, the knee-jerk reactions, keep us safe, croc brain. But I was not at all, at all, spending any effort at all in breaking and rebuilding belief patterns. When they would ask me, I would barf fact all over them, all over them. I would barf so much fact all over them they would end up closing the door just to get me to shut up.

Man, it sucked so bad because I was selling like hotcakes until I started learning about our product. I think it's such a key lesson with that.

That's all I wanted to share with you guys. These are the three phases of the sale and it's, honestly, one of the major reasons why we have sales funnels. Number one, what are you going to do, we got to break ... This guy's actually here to help me. We give them a free thing at the very first part. We're starting to bring down those walls.

Number two, let's go with star story solution scripts. Let's bring in a character. Let's bring in a cool story. Let's go talk about a problem and a cool solution. That kind of script works really well as usually an up sale after they've already made the first commitment.

Then we start logically closing them. You know what I mean?

It doesn't work out perfectly that way, but all I'm saying is when we go out, and we start to logically close people, it is the easiest way to just lose the sale off the bat. Of all three of those phases, in my opinion, number two is the most important. Number two is the most important.

Number one we usually take care of subconsciously, we don't even realize we're doing it most, of us, if we're socially adequate people. That's all I've got for you guys, three phases. First, get the walls down then epiphany, working on breaking and rebuilding belief patterns, and the third part is the logical close. That's "The Stack."

Guys hopefully that is helpful, and I'll see you guys in the next one. I'm excited for you guys to go implement stuff. Please, honestly, let me know if that helps. Usually I don't do this form of podcast. I usually go into a little bit more, this is a different kind of style.

I should say it that way. I would love to know whether or not this actually was awesome and this helped.

That's how I look at the sales, that's how I look at the phases. It's not always perfect but that guideline right there, knowing that those are the steps that the individual needs to go through, super helpful. Totally changed the way I sell and definitely has helped me online a lot.

All right guys. Talk to you later. Bye.

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