Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sistershood Klan and Family. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love ??.   Need to keep reiterating why it's so important for Black women to take our, money, dollars and combined resources and create self sustaining sacred Sisterhood communities for [ ourselves ]. Ourselves means, "NO MALES ALLOWED" This could have been accomplished generations ago but BW undergo a brainwashing from birth that consciously and subconsciously trains us to see our value and self worth only through the eyes of men and males. So everything we did or do is about putting the boys, males and men of our race FIRST.  And we and our girl children are seen as less important.  BW under the MAMMY and Bed Wench programming carried over from chattel Slavery never where educated to free ourselves from these very harmful mind states.  Such honor and exaltation of the BM via FATHERHOOD gradually loss its value and importance and most of all (need) after Blk Fathers as a collective where clandestinly dethroned as the permanent Patriarchal Heads of Black Families and the STATE as the new MASTER stepped in as surrogate FATHERS to Blk Familes here in the USA. Numerous things occurred in succession to eventually leave thousands of Blk households without their male heads. To many to type here but do know this was not by happenstance or mistake.  It was done with the malicious intent of destroying the Blk family. Let's fast forward to now and the results of  decades of unstoppable warfare carried out against the formerly enslaved Blk population has resulted in what we see today. For every two or three gains our Ancestors accomplished, laws were either created or broken to ensure the former POWS of euro/caucasoid imperilasm were (never) compensated or rewarded for building the country everyone now wants to call their HOME.