Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Cosmic Frequency Klan. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Want to continue the conversation on how allowing those to take YOU from NATURAL/original too UN-natural/ABORIGINAL is all about socially engeneering you to be EVIL. Live spelled in reversed is evil and evil reversed is LIVE so it should not be hard for one to accept or even agree that one living BACKWARDS makes them EVIL and the USA has become the Grand MASTERS of not only teaching we to be backwards, they actually ENCOURAGE the population to be backwards and anti love for the purpose of POWER & CONTROL over Human RESOURCES.

Black Women worldwide sit in-between gentile White/PATRIARCHY on the LEFT and Black BISHOP PIMPARCHY on the RIGHT and BOTH work to keep (deeply melanated) BW and her girls SEED as a permanent underclass. These two SYSTEM tiers working TOGETHER make it impossible for BW who are not HARLOTS to WIN!!! 

PAGANBISHOPS.COM - Global infiltration of Greek/Roman Catholocism in the American Black Church 

OSHO - Marriage  & Children/ -
The Invention of WHITNESS/ -

Hate Mail & Beggary.../ -























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