Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Klan and Aquainteces. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Was thinking today how everyhing about Black African American Culture here in the USA is ass backwards and upside down. Black PPL hating their own image and skin color is seen as NORMAL over here. What is most troubling is that  [NO ONE SEEMS TO MIND] that this is so which causes me to question why do I know this to be WRONG while so many others do not? How do you get consecutive generations of ppl to follow a FAILING SYSTEM or process, feel and see all the NEGATIVE results of such a system and yet feel no need to get up the next day and do SOMETHING different to change it? Can ppl be trained to love evil and DEATH yet serve with zeal and loyalty religions that tells them they love a GOD ect... ( ? ) and are going to somewhere called HEAVEN because of a FEAR of being sent somewhere called Hades/hell. Ironically those who believe such way seem to be completely unaware that they are actually (living) in the HELL they wish not to go, LOL :) just without the visible FLAMES to help them realize they are already there. How is this possible? To train people and individuals to actually NOT SEE their own reality? SMDH