Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Klan and Family. Peace. protection, prosperity and most o all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Somewhere in time African American women have been made to feel bad and out of place for checking Black men and making them do right by them. And so over time to appease them and be seen more like their Caucasian conterpart they began to remove their standards of demanding that the men around them and among them be held to the HIGHEST standard of what a man is and should be until they eventually FORGET that they had [any] standards at all. African American (black) women have the right to DEMAND how their males and men should view them as well as a treat them. The lowering of these standards based off what I have researched and have been told was accomplished via rampant child abuse, child explotation as well as child rape and molestation. It is a fact that children having been victims of said astroities grow up incapable of knowing or understanding the required sexual lines and boundaries that where supposedly put in place to PROTECT all children. ADULTS if abiding by proper social order and conduct are supposed to be the GUARDIANS. But when this is no longer the [standard] in society, the protection of [ all ] children. Then such a society is DOOMED to be perpetually damned and if there is a GOD observing such a society and has not decreeded it's destruction. Then GOD him or herself should be immediately ...FIRED!

Child Abuse, Child Rape, Child Neglect, Child Trafficking, Child Molestation and Child Abandonement are all a result of a Society where the ADULTS have all become deviant DEVILS.

so·ci·e·ty -

1.) the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
2.) an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.