The Finished Work: Today we’re going to begin with a peace, love and joy blanket. We will find a proper seating position. Attain a zero gravity position where the body feels weightless and energy is free to flow from top to bottom. Place your attention on your breath and do this for 10 minutes. Gently let go of stray thoughts. Allow the peace and the love and the joy of your own mind be your comfort blanket. This is the main thing for meditators. Out of love and joy and peace will flow higher energy transforming previously low energy thoughts, beliefs and physical and material manifestations. Peace, love and joy is our secret weapon. It is the main thing. The peace, love and stillness of body, mind and spirit, when focused on an Intention becomes your creation. (Read that again.) Example: let’s say I achieve a degree of peace and rest during my meditation and my mind feels soft and I have only a few stray thoughts passing by without judgment. My entire body is also responding to my mindful state of being. Another way of saying this is my physical reality, whether it’s physical health, physical wealth, or relationships are all reflecting my spirit, my energy body, or said another way, reflecting the degree to which I believe that Christ is in me. Sit in peace and use your imagination to see yourself healthy. What does a healthy you look like? Don’t bother or take any time whatsoever to see yourself sick even if that is your current state, do not see your self in a state of sickness but rather see yourself 100% healed & healthy, happily doing things that only a completely healthy person could do. It is not productive to see a broken, sick self or try to imagine your organs healing no,no, no. See yourself totally healed and hold the vision. Let’s say you want to move into a new home but you haven’t found one yet or sold your current home. Use your God-given imagination and see the new house, see yourself having coffee on the deck with a friend. Taste and smell the coffee. Really enter into the scene. Don’t even think about the process of selling your home, or finding and purchasing a new home in another place just see The Finished Work.                                 Namaste 🙏🏼 

I can be reached at 989-916-6035 (txt. or call) visit: Essential Life Essence [email protected]


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