Exploring the ins and outs of loving or working with male survivors of sexual abuse, trauma, or violence with Dr. Debra Warner who understands both sides extremely well.

In this podversation: How Debra came to choose forensic psychology as a specialization Why Debra wrote the book: "His History, Her Story: A Survival Guide for Spouses of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma" Facing the stigma of race/ ethnicity for people of color and therapy The power of simply listening to a man who is willing to open up or disclose, however how small "Men can't talk until they have a plan." The important distinction between trauma and abuse "Abuse happens but not everyone will manifest symptoms the same way." Why does society treat male victims of sexual abuse more harshly? Common unhelpful coping mechanisms in men who have been sexually abused or assaulted Why male victims of sexual abuse or assault aren't usually believed if and when they do disclose What is trauma bonding and why is it harmful? Quit trying to rescue or fix the man in your life. The damage inflicted when children are taught that their bodies aren't their own and the various ways this can happen When you are a walking trigger for your man's issues The power in learning to separate the trauma from the man Wrestling with the decision to stay or go


Meet Dr. Debra Warner

Dr. Debra Warner is a forensic psychologist currently serving as Professor for The Chicago School of Professional Psychology's Psy.D. program.

She's well known for her work with the Department of Homeland Security, the LA Police Department, the Department of Defense, the Department of Corrections, and more.

Since 2015 she has been a regular co-host of the weekly syndicated radio show Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) on Blog Talk Radio with Bill Murray. Dr. Warner’s clinical practice focuses on male survivor issues of abuse, violence and trauma.

And her new book, "His History, Her Story: A Survival Guide for Spouses of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma," is a must read for clinicians and survivors alike. It provides a comprehensive guide to navigating sexual abuse and trauma in men.