Her story sounds like a Lifetime movie: abuse, rape, homelessness, exotic dancing, drugs, grief and loss, and a suicide attempt. But that's when EVERYTHING shifted. Hear how a spiritual awakening brought Jessica Valor the purpose and the passion she knew she was meant for.

In this podversation: Jessica's rough start in life (e.g., childhood abuse, rape as a teenager) How she found herself homeless and couch surfing for about a year Jessica's introduction to the world of exotic dancing and cocaine Her wake up call and return to education Exploring deep wounds which may or may not be associated with stripping Listening to your soul longings for more The story of Mikey, a platonic soul mate, whose love and later death affected Jessica deeply Spiritual partnerships and their power to transform us "He witnessed my wholeness when I could not" "Friendship is the insurance that everything's always going to be okay" How a suicide attempt and near death experience changed EVERYTHING "Never go through grief alone" Jessica's process towards spiritual integration and reopening to her psychic gifts "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton "Wherever you go is where you are" - embracing the archetype of healer "Healing is interchangeable with evolution." Meet Jessica:

Jessica Valor is an inspirational speaker, healer and mentor who delivers her programs to thousands of women and men entrepreneurs every year on the topics of conscious leadership, intuitive intelligence and personal development. Jessica is a clear and powerful conduit for high-level spirits.

She awakened to the strengths of her clairvoyant, healing gifts in 2011 after her own "near-death experience" where she visited heaven, met with a council of ascended masters and returned to life to help the world heal and move through ascension.

She works with change leaders all over the world offering a transformational and transcendental experience through her speaking, mentoring and energy healing academy. She has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and spiritual seekers who are committed to their purpose and vision by helping them embody their power and understand their gifts.

Jessica lives in Atlanta, GA with her fur baby, Monji who she adores. When not inspiring thousands of leaders she is found as a domestic Goddess cooking, creating rituals, practicing yoga and of course singing and dancing to her favorite songs. She loves helping her clients rise to their highest potentials and building the foundation of #teamlove to help those in need.

Connect with her further at: http://www.jessicavalor.com/ or at Love Your Life podcast