Do you even know WHY you hold onto the belongings that you do? Former therapist Michael Spencer explains how Home Energy Purification can assist soulful people in releasing attachments to accumulated belongings and experiencing greater freedom in ALL areas of life.

In this podversation: Michael's journey from accounting to counseling to home energy purification "Home energy purification is NOT minimalism unless you want it to be." Is there energy stored in objects? "If it's still in your basement somewhere, you're still saying yes to it." What leads us to hold onto/ hoard/ collect these items we may not even want anymore? The correlation and overlap between shadow work and home energy purification How families hand down "rules" about what's even safe to let go of A beautiful idea for your used wedding dress More on Michael's intuitive process and "first answer = best answer" How to respect those we live with as we seek to move through the release process The way our emotional baggage is reflected in our physical baggage The power of ceremony and ritual to release old energy patterns (sorting, clarifying, releasing) Why Michael doesn't use the word PURGE The process on the way to the trash can with an object is where the transformation takes place The difference(s) between Michael's process and the well-known KonMari Method Why YOU should consider going through your house and purifying

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Podcast: Home Energy Purification Stories