Ever felt like you've lost your way in life? Don't even know who you are anymore? Time to clear off the debris and come home to YOU! Learn how.

In this podversation: What does it mean to come back to yourself? How does one "get in alignment"? Toxic patterns that keep you from getting what you want and further take you away from yourself “Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF.” Rather than asking yourself, "How do I FIX?," try "How do I FEEL?" Clean off your magnet to attract what you want! Alex and Tamara share their own experiences with coming back to themselves The importance of truly knowing/ be mindful of what it feels like for YOU to be connected to YOU "Learn to guide yourself and you will always have the map you need" Some practical tips to consider: Make a "this NOT this" or "this not that" list (e.g., "leader not follower", "inclusive not exclusive" if you're Tamara) Looking UP instead of looking down (taking off the blinders) Meditation, nature, disconnecting from social media Movement (dance, yoga, cartwheeling in your living room...whatever) Venting/ processing with trusted advisers (be careful of co-ruminating though!) Make a mission statement for your friendships/ relationships Reading sacred texts/ poetry Asking yourself, "What would my pet say?" Mantras that resonate with you Sending up a quick prayer