Growing up in a dysfunctional family, Allison began her attempts to break toxic patterns at an early age.

Her path has lead her through multiple unhealthy relationships, career changes, religious experiences and life as a foster/adoptive parent. While she is still healing from wounds of her childhood, she currently has a life she never thought would exist.

She is now married to her soulmate, mother to three beautiful adopted sons, and helping others through her work as a Chiropractic Neurologist.

In this podversation: Allison's epiphany at age 12 "We want to mess them up so they have THEIR problems NOT OUR problems The day Allison decided to cut ties with her family Dynamics of a narcissistic family system (e.g., scapegoat, golden child) Why adult children may still be "obeying" their parents How chiropracty healed many of Allison's somatic symptoms What it was like to live at home as a grown woman trying to finish her degrees The power of the mind-body connection and the illnesses that can result "If there is more than one way to perceive something, choose the way that makes you happier." How Allison and her husband came to adopt their three sons What it was like growing up in the shadow of her mother's stillborn daughter before her The empowerment that comes from realizing there's nothing you can do to make someone love you Dealing with the pushback and victim shaming Love is unconditional but relationships are not

  Follow Allison's journey on her blog.

Additional Resources: The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield