Shawna started out in very mind oriented therapy, with a Master of Arts in Counselling, but life had other plans. 

Her body began to speak so loudly through a number of diagnoses and symptoms, that after years of suffering, she was required to listen. Learning to listen to her body took her on a long journey of learning and self-discovery and lead Shawna to the world of energy and consciousness based therapies, which combined so well with the parts she loved about counselling.

Her main modality, BodyTalk, is a combination of the feminine energy of intuition and Eastern healing philosophies and the masculine energy of Western science, psychology and epigenetic research, just the way she likes it!

Shawna's online practice focuses on women’s trauma, healing from it and how it is connected to the autoimmune illness, mental health issues and other health problems women suffer. Near her home in Costa Rica, she is constantly inspired by the strength of the local women she meets where she volunteers at a free energy clinic.

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FB: The Sheltering Yew with Shawna Peters