"The new paradigm is where the entrepreneur first comes into their heart space, and does their deep heart work to ensure that every decision that they make in their business is from their heart space."

What the new paradigm of conscious business means (04:27)How can entrepreneurs start leading in the new paradigm (07:05)The difference between leading from the heart in a product-based business and a service-based business (10:27)How medicine journeys influence our creations and the way we run our business (21:15)A soulful approach to marketing, finance and managing teams (25:47)Working on your own belief and power (35:07)Having a soulful approach to everything you do (38:50)Ways to practice receiving in every aspect of your life (41:40)Find Makenzie and work with her (46:37)What makes leadership sacred? (47:28)

Links mentioned in the episode:

Kakao Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate: https://www.flykakao.com/Makenzie's website: https://www.makenziemarzluff.com/Makenzie's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kakaodrinkingchocolate/Delighted By Desserts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delightedbydesserts/

Follow Sigrid:

Instagram: @sigridtasies