"Sometimes, all it takes in order to reprogram your oppression and separation is to witness it, acknowledge it and honor it."

Reprogramming oppression and separation (02:45)How to find the root of your pain (06:44)How to know when to disengage with the story at play, and anchor the reality that we wish to see in the world (14:34)Letting go of the idea of 'oppressor vs saviour', realising that is a matter of 'empowerment vs victimhood' and choosing consciously where we stand (19:30)Focusing on our personal awakening process and how to be a stand for others (23:58)How to speak the truth but in a way that allows other people their sovereignty (35:23)Prayer and collective awakening (40:36)One piece of advice from Aaron (42:01)Find Aaron and work with him (46:07)What makes leadership sacred? (47:48)

Links mentioned in the episode:

Aaron's website: https://www.aaronxrose.com/Use the code NEWEARTH for 20% off discount

Follow Aaron:

Instagram: @aaronxrose

Follow Sigrid:

Instagram: @sigridtasies