Today's episode is about a recent IG live I did where I shared some of the spiritual tools I use in my business and in my life ( and what I discovered about how I'm running my business and living my life. 

The Gene Keys and Human Design have been remarkably powerful tools for me and I realized that I have been so serious in business and in life - and that goes directly AGAINST my design (I'm MEANT TO have fun, freedom and adventure). 

When I'm not bringing my fun, humorous and irreverent self to the table, I am disregarding my most potent superpowers.  

Business (especially the work I do, helping women transform fear and self-doubt into authenticity and conviction, helping them start soul-sourced businesses) can be so serious.  And there are so many very serious problems occurring on the planet right now. 

But there is also joy, humor, laughter and sacred F-bombs.  You get to show up in all your ways too!  Reach out and tell me how you're doing that.

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Human Design
Richard Dotts, Dollars Flow To Me

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