esults and analysis
The sources of seller stress are straight forward and powerful - violation of ones most personal space and disruption of ones life for a significant period of time cannot be not remedied with an app or waved away as "part of the deal"

The responses under score the deeply uncertain nature of the traditional selling path. Here's a sampling

"The not knowing"
"Dealing with the buyers"
"Having the home off the market while it was in contingency"
"Not sure if the price set is set correctly"

iBuying neutralizes these concerns immediately by offering a fast, linear, certain, effectively non-contingent proposition.

The branded iBuyer: Zillow
Open-door pioneered iBuying; Zillow is a household name that has bet its franchise on iBuying(Zillow offers)

From our perspective, Zillow is the more interesting company to watch

Second, Zillow offers is supported by tremendous brand equity. Industry grievances do not diminish this undeniable reality: people trust the Zillow brand . If iBuying cannot scale with most know trusted national real estate brand ever behind it, it cannot scale.


Conclusions and possible responses

Today iBuying is unevenly distributed and accounts for a very small percentage of total home sales
What this survey tells us, however, is that the rails on which iBuyers will run into the future are like greased, lightning. People are emotionally primed for the proposition. They will sacrifice a lot to avoid privacy invasion and life disruption.

We suggest, then that those who anticipate competing with iBuyers more often in the future begin crafting their counter propositions now.

What is your response? How can you address those concerns meaningfully? What need to change in your customer experience so that those things that cause stress can be mitigated

Those that wish to participate in this future should begin planning for it in the present