1000watt? Who are they?

They are a company who do all types of surveys, advertising and websites.they have a great article about iBuying which we will be talking today. Here's a sneak peak on one of the slides we presented.


We've been talking about iBuying a lot. But we know far too little. We know who's doing it, where and roughly at what volume, But there are perhaps more important things that remain unclear:

How iBuying might get in the future

What really motivates homeowners to choose this options over a traditional home sale.

How those who may find themselves competing with iBuyers in the future can prepare.

Gaining visibility on these things require that we, as an industry, stop talking only to ourselves about these questions and begin asking homeowners - the prospective iBuyer customer - what they think

Of course, Zillow, open-door, offered and others in this space have conducted exhaustive consumer research in shaping their offerings. That insight is theirs.

Who follow yours.

Use it to understand the customer for whom you are, or will be, competing - and plan accordingly

About the survey:
"We fielded a survey to 600 homeowners across the United States over the age of 25.
Approximately 68% had sold a home before. 50% of respondents were male; 50% were female

Note: We refer to the human beings who have or may buy or sell real estate as "people" here, not "consumers". This latter term, while appropriate economic language, tends to numb one to a certain sensitivity required for good marketing.


Send a market research on all past Client homes (2010-2018).

Keep them informed on their homes value
Contrast home price to state/national avergaes

Then make your calls!

Tom Ferry says do this:
"Name your price! Who cares what Zillow thinks? Put this on your website, twice a month on your Facebook stories/instagram stories, once a month to your farm"

Stay in touch clients because that's our only weapon! Sales is a contact sport but more importantly, real estate is helping people.