David Kosciusko has always been good at predicting how new technologies will change our lives. He sees a massive increase in broadband speeds coming, and it will give us an unprecedented amount of data at our fingertips. Dave believes this bandwidth can be used to revolutionize how we shop for clothes. Hear how he wants to make that happen.


The most successful entrepreneurs of our time are able to see the big shifts of their time, and create a new solution that capitalizes on them.”Logic never really is the thing that sells, it’s emotion.””Anything that’s worth doing is worth doing poorly.”

Action Steps:

Verify idea is possible using near-term technology.Outline software development strategy.Assemble a team of people who could follow through on the above strategy.Contact clothing retailers and pitch them on manually implementing an intermediate step (we give you the measurements, tell us exactly what items will fit our customer well).Find apps that can accurately measure body dimensions and contact developers for potential partnership.Build email “weekly sale” service based on customers’ existing favorite items.Pre-sell the idea to friends and family to gauge interest in it.

Follow through on these action steps and email us your results at [email protected]. You'll get exclusive access to a private Facebook group of action takers and one listener will earn a free mentorship call with our guest, and potentially, a business partnership.


Win at Life with Dave - YouTube Channel
Tai Lopez
Is there a mobile app that can accurately measure my body dimensions (neck to waist, arm length, even waist size etc)?

David Kosciusko is an expert at flipping phones on eBay for profit. He turned what he discovered about this into a retail operation consisting of several stores, and has also created a number of online courses in the interest of helping others achieve similar success making a profit by repairing and reselling used phones. He’s doing over 7 figures a year with his specialized knowledge in the cell phone industry.

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