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Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running

713 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 837 ratings

Running podcast to motivate and help runners of every level, speed, and age run their best.

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How we’d fix the training plan of an often-injured masters runner struggling to progress

November 02, 2022 07:01 - 19 minutes - 19.4 MB

We are back with another edition of Training Plan rescue. The feedback from the previous episode has been great and Coach Jeff is excited to take a deep dive into a listener's training plan this week to see what we can all learn and apply to our training.  This week, we’re looking at a training plan from Tim Ballard. Tim has been running for about 10 years and making good progress up until the last year or two. He’s typically in the top of his age group at most races, but as he’ll tell you...

Everything You Need to Know About Amino Acids For Running Performance and Recovery

October 26, 2022 04:01 - 1 hour - 57.9 MB

What comes to mind when you think about “amino acids”? Are you incorporating them into your diet? Have you considered the performance and recovery benefits of amino acids for your running training? If not, you’ll want to tune in to this episode where I chat with Angelo Keely, the Co-founder and CEO of Kion. You’ll learn… About the importance of amino acids for body composition, fitness, and overall health. Understand why amino acids are fundamental for performance and recovery. Learn ...

Uptempo Talks - Why Do Runners Do That? #1

October 19, 2022 07:13 - 26 minutes - 26 MB

Do you ever notice fellow runners taking an interesting approach to a particular run or training block? Or using certain recovery tools or consuming certain drinks and foods in their quest to improve and reach peak performance? In any of these circumstances, maybe you’ve asked yourself: “Why do you runners do that?”  Well, this episode of Run to the Top is another Up Tempo Talk with Runners Connect coaches Dylan Belles and Ruari Moynihan answering 3 of those burning questions. First, they ...

What to eat before every type of run!

October 12, 2022 12:54 - 20 minutes - 21 MB

What should I eat before I run? It’s an age-old question faced by many runners both new to the sport and those who have been training seriously and are looking to fine tune their training diet. Unfortunately, this isn’t a question with a simple answer. First, almost every runner will differ in terms of what works well for their stomach and the types of foods they prefer, both in terms of taste and any specific food sensitivities.  Second, the amount of time you have before you run wi...

Marathon Tapering Essentials Roundup

October 05, 2022 07:13 - 46 minutes - 43.6 MB

Did you know we’ve been publishing interviews with some of the leading scientists, coaches, athletes and experts in the running world since 2011! That means we’ve had more than a decade of experts to learn from and to help you hone your training. That said, combing through podcast archives to find specific answers to your questions or the challenges you’re feeling with in training now isn’t always easy. That’s why as one of our new formats for this show, we’re going to be combining the...

Training Plan Rescue #1

September 28, 2022 04:01 - 26 minutes - 25.6 MB

We are excited to share with you the first rendition of our “training plan rescue” series where a listener sends us their busted training plan and our coaches rescue it.  In this episode, our Head Coach Michael Hammond analyzes and offers recommendations on the training plan from a listener named Alex who has been aiming and falling short of his goal to break 3:40 in the marathon. You’ll learn about the 3 big problems in Alex’s current training plan as well as the 3 high-leverage changes h...

Transition Show - A new Host of the Run to the Top Podcast

September 21, 2022 04:01 - 30 minutes - 29.6 MB

We have bittersweet news to share. This is the last episode hosted by Claire Bartholic!  In this special, transition episode of the Run to the Top Podcast, Claire Bartholic bids farewell to listeners and welcomes new Host Finn Melanson. You will also hear from RunnersConnect Founder Jeff Gaudette who talks further about next steps for the podcast and the types of content listeners can expect from the show on a weekly and monthly basis. You’ll learn: Why Claire is stepping down, what’s n...

Dream Destination Race or Disaster? Better Travel Racing with Angie and Trevor Spencer

September 14, 2022 04:01 - 45 minutes - 42.4 MB

Planning a destination race in a far away place has lots of challenges. International travel is even more stressful since there are so many details that you will have to figure out before you even set foot on the plane. To navigate the dos and don’ts of destination races, I’m speaking with Angie and Trevor Spencer, the duo in charge at Marathon Training Academy. Angie and Trevor love nothing more than a marathon or two in a far away land and they’ve come on the Run to the Top today to help...

Knee Pain From Running: How to Fix it Forever with Brodie Sharpe

September 07, 2022 04:01 - 47 minutes - 43.4 MB

If you’ve been a runner long enough, some well meaning person will eventually ask you about your knees. Running is actually good for your knees, but if you’re the one who’s got knee pain on the run, that’s not particularly comforting. So what can we do about this common injury in runners? Do we have to stop running completely? Thankfully, the answer is usually no. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Physiotherapist and founder of the Run Smarter Series and Run SmarterPodcast Brodie...

Frustrated with Your Running Progress? How to Smash Your Plateau with Elisabeth Scott

August 31, 2022 04:01 - 44 minutes - 42.3 MB

Have you hit a plateau in your running? Despite doing all the right things, or most of the right things that you are supposed to be doing, you just seem stuck. Maybe it’s because you're getting older and you think your better days are behind you. Maybe you need a new workout plan, a new coach, new shoes, or a new supplement to get you to the next level. Or perhaps you’re just not finding the joy in your running like you used to. Elisabeth Scott is here to help you change that. On tod...

How a Sprinkle of Sprinting Can Massively Improve Your Distance Running: Kieran Gillespie

August 24, 2022 04:01 - 48 minutes - 46.1 MB

All runners are not the same. Distance runners and sprinters really seem to be engaging in an entirely different sport. Tiny and lean elite marathoners are a stark contrast to muscular, powerful sprinters. Training for these events is vastly different and what it takes to be successful for a 100m sprinter is quite different than that for a marathoner. Or is it? Certainly it’s easy to find the differences, but I would argue that there’s a significant overlap both in the physical training ...

How to Apply an Ancient Meditation Practice to Improve your Running Now: Nita Sweeney

August 17, 2022 04:01 - 49 minutes - 46.7 MB

As good as running is for our bodies, it’s probably equally good, if not even more so, for our brains. The mental health benefits of aerobic exercise have been proven over and over again in scientific studies. On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, we explore the topic of running as a meditation practice with author and runner Nita Sweeney. You might remember her from being on the show a couple of years ago. Nita’s back with a new book out called Make Every Move a Meditation: Mindful Movement ...

Chris Chavez is Telling the Track and Field Stories That No One Else Will

August 10, 2022 04:01 - 50 minutes - 47.5 MB

Running is a massive participation sport. About 50 million Americans (or 15 percent of the U.S. population) participate in some form of running, according to a 2020 report from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. Yet very few elite runners are true household names these days. Sure, there might be some stories that capture the world’s attention, usually around the Olympic Games, but overall there is a disconnect between running for yourself and being a true fan of the sport. Our gu...

Creatine: How a cheap weight lifting supplement can boost your running with Kelly Jones, RD

August 03, 2022 04:01 - 46 minutes - 43.6 MB

What if I told you that there is something out there that can help you build lean muscle, boost endurance, reduce fatigue, help you perform better, help slow down the aging process, with virtually no downsides? Not only that, it’s something that is super cheap, safe, and has been rigorously studied for decades. You’d probably say it’s too good to be true. Well, it actually is true. It’s creatine. Yes, the supplement that bodybuilders have been taking forever to bulk up can also be incred...

How To Conquer Your Fear of Trails and Run Wild: Anne George

July 27, 2022 04:01 - 41 minutes - 40.4 MB

Trail running can be intimidating to lots of people. What if you get lost, break your ankle, or see a snake? I’m not sure that you’re safer running in the city with weirdos and speeding BMWs, but I think it’s pretty normal to be intimidated by trail running if you’ve never done it before. Anne (Wheatly) George is on the Run to the Top today to help us out. Anne has challenged herself with some of the toughest trails in the country. She has run Rim to Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon twice, i...

Exactly How to Train for Your Best Fall Marathon Week by Week

July 20, 2022 04:01 - 22 minutes - 21.9 MB

It’s the middle of summer and for fall marathoners, it’s time to get into your marathon build up. On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, I’m going to go over exactly what you should be doing for the next 12-14 weeks, week by week, to get ready for your best marathon yet. I’ll go over what your training should look like each week with modifications for first time marathoners and for advanced runners. You’ll learn: how to plan your training to build your running up safely and effectively ...

Finally Fix Your Lower Back Pain: Dr Lauren LaPierre

July 13, 2022 04:01 - 51 minutes - 48.5 MB

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 25% of Americans have experienced back pain in the last three months. Up to 80% of all adults have felt it at some point in their lifetime. There are lots of reasons for this and most of them stem from leading a sedentary lifestyle. But you’re a runner. You’re not sedentary. So why are you getting a pain in the back when you run? We invited physical therapist Dr Lauren LaPierre, The Personalized Running Doc, on the Run to the Top to take a de...

Run Faster and Be Happier After Age 40: Shawanna White

July 06, 2022 04:01 - 28 minutes - 28.6 MB

To be a serious athlete, it’s pretty much a given that you need to be, well, serious. Serious about your training, what you eat, how you recover. You need to choose your races wisely. You need to say no to things that might be a lot of fun, but don’t align with your bigger goals. Or do you? Shawanna White is definitely a serious runner, but she is clearly having way more fun than the rest of us. (Okay, speaking for myself here). She manages to consistently run sub-3 marathons, despite be...

The Plantar Fasciitis Doc on How To Keep Your Feet Healthy: Dr Angela Walk

June 29, 2022 04:01 - 46 minutes - 43.7 MB

Plantar fasciitis sidelines countless numbers of runners each year, with a stabbing pain in every step. The good news is there is treatment and prevention which can make your feet less susceptible to this debilitating injury. And the best protocols might not be what you think they are. The Plantar Fasciitis Doctor, Dr Angela Walk, joins Coach Claire to explain more. Yes, that’s really her last name and she’s a chiropractic physician specializing in foot and gait analysis and plantar fasc...

The Flaws in Common Nutrition Advice For Endurance Athletes: Wade Lightheart

June 22, 2022 04:01 - 53 minutes - 51.1 MB

Our bodies are amazing and they are surprisingly individual. One person could eat loaves of Wonder Bread with negligible effects to blood sugar while another person’s levels would skyrocket. Science doesn’t quite understand why there are such dramatic differences, but we know that they are there. So what does this mean for the average athlete? How does our fueling and overall nutrition need to change to work with our own unique metabolism? These are the questions that Wade Lightheart is ...

What it Really Takes To Run Longer Than You Ever Have Before: Robbie Balenger

June 15, 2022 04:01 - 45 minutes - 42.2 MB

There are not many ultrarunners who have run farther than Robbie Balenger. Robbie’s been making headlines for the past few years with his massive athletic feats. Just this past spring, Robbie decided to see if he could run longer than a Tesla could on a single charge along a Texas highway. Three days and 242 miles later, man beat machine. In this episode, you’ll learn: How Robbie fuels his amazingly long runs What training you need to run your first ultra, and How to mentally get thro...

When Listening to Your Body Is Wrong For Runners: Cortney Berling

June 08, 2022 04:01 - 51 minutes - 47.9 MB

Fueling your running is not as simple as eating when you are hungry or not eating when you are not hungry. Registered Dietician Cortney Berling of explains how to actually eat for running performance or weight loss. We talk about: when you absolutely should NOT listen to your body as a runner and what to do instead  the differences in nutrition when you are running to lose weight and when you are fueling for performance, and why your super healthy, whole foods die...

Run Better in Less Time: How to Maximize Your Miles and Still Have a Life

June 01, 2022 04:01 - 22 minutes - 21.9 MB

If you have a busy life outside of running, and let’s face it, we all do, this can be a real challenge. And let me tell you a little secret--all that time might actually be unnecessary! On today’s Run to the Top, Coach Claire reveals some great ways to better fit your training into your busy life. She goes over: Exactly how much time you need to invest in training for endurance races from the 5k to the marathon How to maximize your training into less overall time, and How to organize ...

Get Stronger, Faster, and Look Amazing As You Age: Dr Stacy Sims

May 25, 2022 04:01 - 58 minutes - 53.9 MB

Getting older doesn’t mean getting slower, as long as you make critical changes to your training and how you fuel. Dr Stacy Sims, the revolutionary exercise and nutrition scientist who wrote Roar unlocks what female athletes need to do before, during and after menopause to thrive. Her newest book, Next Level, smashes the stereotypes of female aging and menopause and outlines exactly what female athletes need to get faster and stronger (and look amazing!). You’ll learn: what is happening...

The 3 Minute Solution For Faster, More Powerful Running: Dr Eoin Everard

May 18, 2022 04:01 - 1 hour - 58.8 MB

Do you ever feel like you are missing out on key training elements that could actually help you get faster and stronger? If you are stuck in a plateau or a cycle of injury, there are some changes that can help. Eoin Everard is a physiotherapist with a PhD in Biomechanics who studies what makes runners faster and stronger. He’s the founder of and he certainly has discovered what works on himself. Eoin has won 5 national senior running titles, has represented Ireland on t...

Is Jogging Actually Cool Again? How Chris Heuisler is Taking Back the Jog

May 11, 2022 04:01 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

Running can be intimidating to a lot of people. But jogging? It can open a world of fun fitness to almost everyone. Chris Heuisler of the Knob Creek Jogging Club talks about how a simple word shift transformed the lives of hundreds of bartenders. In this fun and inspiring episode, we explore: Why the word “jogging” made all the difference in getting non-runners to get onboard How runners’ serious attitudes to the sport can actually be limiting How being more inclusive can increase enj...

How to Stop a Painful Side Stitch from Sidelining You On the Run

May 04, 2022 04:01 - 17 minutes - 18 MB

Side stitches affect up to 70% of all runners.  If you’ve ever suffered from a sharp, shooting pain in your side in the middle of your run, you know how awful it is. On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, we go into the science of side stitches. You’ll learn: which runners are most susceptible to them what you can do to prevent them, and how to deal with a side stitch on the run This will be a super helpful episode if you’ve ever suffered from side stitches or if you never want to. And...

Fortify Your Mind Like a Pro Runner with These Mental Strength Techniques: Steve Magness

April 27, 2022 04:01 - 57 minutes - 53.6 MB

Do you train your brain as hard as you train your body? World-renowned expert on performance, Olympic-level coach, author and podcast host Steve Magness is our special guest on the Run to the Top and he can teach us how. You’ll learn: How the stereotypical view of mental toughness has changed for the better What mental techniques elite runners use in their training, and How you can use the four pillars of toughness to maximize your own training. If you’ve ever struggled mentally duri...

Why You Are Not Losing Fat from Running: Angelo Poli Unlocks the Mystery of Metabolic Fitness

April 20, 2022 04:01 - 1 hour - 60.2 MB

Are you stuck in a metabolic plateau? We run, eat less, maybe lose some weight, plateau, run more, eat less. The weight stays the same (or goes up!), but the belly or the thighs or the arms even get softer. What ends up happening is that the body fat stays stubbornly put but muscle growth stops or even reverses. More running and more calorie restriction aren’t the answer. It’s incredibly frustrating. But there is hope. Angelo Poli can shed some light on the mystery of metabolism. Angelo ...

Perfect Pacing or Train Wreck? Don't Let a Pace Group Risk Your Race Time

April 13, 2022 04:01 - 21 minutes - 22.3 MB

The beauty of following a pace group is that you don’t have to race alone. You’ll not only have a more experienced runner leading you to your dream finish time, but likely, you’ll have a whole group of people trying for the exact same thing. You can relax, keep your eyes off your watch, and ride the pace group wave all the way to a new personal record. Or maybe not… On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, I’m going to explore the pros and cons of pace groups.  You’ll learn: how to determine ...

Your New Coach is the Future of American Distance Running: Fiona O'Keeffe

April 06, 2022 04:01 - 30 minutes - 28.6 MB

Last January in Houston, Fiona O’Keefe crossed the finish line in 1:07:42, making her half marathon debut the fastest ever by an American woman. At age 23, this young runner has an incredibly bright future. Fiona specializes in the 10k and the 5k right now and--fun fact--she accidentally broke her 10k PR in the middle of her record breaking half. Coach Claire asks Fiona about her incredible day in Houston, what her favorite workouts are to prepare, and how she handles good and bad days m...

220 Marathons And Counting: Linda Ambard Runs to Thrive After Her Husband Was Assassinated

March 30, 2022 04:01 - 49 minutes - 47.1 MB

After her husband was killed in Afghanistan and the terrorist bombs at the Boston Marathon went off in front of her, Linda Ambard vowed not to let terrorism take any more from her. As of this year, Linda has run 220 marathons, with at least one in every state and one on each of the seven continents. Linda’s story is about more than just survival.  It’s about learning to thrive no matter what life gives you. Her running accomplishments are nothing short of amazing, but it’s her perseverance...

The Powerful Performance Edge of a Plant-Based Diet for Runners

March 23, 2022 04:01 - 26 minutes - 26.2 MB

Plant-based athletes are everywhere these days. But can a plant-based diet really be a performance booster for your running? What are the pros and cons of a plant based diet for runners? On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, we’ll going to go over the benefits that a plant-based diet provides runners the potential downsides to going plant-based, and we’ll give you  a day in the life of a vegan runner with meal examples that you can try today If you’re a plant-based runner already or jus...

How Women Can (Finally) Even the Field In Running: Dr. Megan Roche

March 16, 2022 04:01 - 56 minutes - 53.1 MB

For the first time in history, just over 50% of all races are run by women.   While women are leading in the number of participants, research on women in sport is still stubbornly behind the guys’. We know that women and men perform differently, carry and use fat differently, as well as react to pain differently. Typically, men are bigger, stronger, and faster, until you get to the ultra distance, where women can actually break the tape first. On today’s Run to the Top, Dr Megan Roche, 5...

The Dreaded DNF: When You Should Quit a Race and How to Get Over It

March 09, 2022 05:01 - 22 minutes - 22.4 MB

Have you ever gotten a DNF? Sometimes quitting in the middle of a race is undoubtedly the right thing to do. Other times, you will be full of regret when you do. Either way, it will sting for a while. On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, Coach Claire talks about the dreaded DNF. She speaks from personal experience on this one, because she’s been there. She’ll go over: when it’s a really good idea to stop a race,  when you should probably push on try to finish, and  how to get over a DNF...

Essential Recovery Techniques to Run Faster All Year Round: Sara Manderscheid

March 02, 2022 05:01 - 40 minutes - 38.2 MB

Recovery can be a tricky balance for a runner. In order to train well, we sometimes have to train tired and under-recovered. But if we dig ourselves too deep into a hole of stressful training, it might be something that takes days, weeks, or even months to climb out of. That’s why having cycles of stress and rest over your day, your weeks, your months and even your years can be so beneficial for your long term sustainability in running. Coach Sara Manderscheid joins Coach Claire to talk ...

Are These Myths about Running Cadence Increasing Your Injury Risk?

February 25, 2022 05:01 - 17 minutes - 18.1 MB

If you’ve been running for any length of time, you’ve probably heard of the term “running cadence”. You may have even tried to improve yours. However, is it possible you’re falling victim to one of the many myths about running cadence?  On this episode of Run to the Top Podcast, we’re going to explore your running cadence, including… why focusing on your cadence can be an important tool for gaining speed with lower injury risk, some myths about the ideal cadence for runners, and I’ll ...

Use These Strategies to Maximize Your Running Nutrition with NO Extra Work

February 23, 2022 05:01 - 1 hour - 58.3 MB

From what to eat before runs to how much macros and calories we need to properly fuel and recover without gaining weight, running nutrition can often seem complicated and difficult to follow. Sports dietitian Kylee Van Horn doesn’t believe it has to be this complicated. In fact, she’ll give you simple, actionable strategies to make your running nutrition plan easy to plan and stick to. Some topics we discuss… Do you need to eat before you run, especially if you are a morning runner? W...

Can You Trust Your Running Watch?

February 18, 2022 05:01 - 18 minutes - 18.4 MB

How much do you rely on the data from your running watch? Do you analyze all the data it gives you after every run? In this Run to the Top episode, we’re going to take an in-depth look at how much you should trust this data and how you can most effectively use it in all training situations.  In this episode, you’ll learn… some of the great features that make your watch more useful how to use it more effectively in workouts and on the treadmill, and how much to trust all those fancy ...

How to Train Your Mind to Maximize Your Running Performance

February 16, 2022 05:01 - 57 minutes - 53.2 MB

How often do you train for the mental challenges of running? Do you spend just as much time working on your mental prep as you do your physical preparation? You’re not alone if you’ve never even thought of how training your mindset can improve your training and mindset performance. That’s why we interviewed renowned sports psychologist Dr. Michael Sachs about how we can train our mind to perform better in both training and racing. This in-depth discussion and practical tips on how to i...

You Need Fatigue: Find the Balance Between Good Training and Overdoing It

February 11, 2022 05:01 - 18 minutes - 18.2 MB

Many times, when you go out for a run, you feel better than when you left. A good run can leave you feeling energized and ready to tackle just about anything. But then there are those runs that leave you dragging and bone tired. You’re struggling to keep up with the last few miles of your long run. Or your cool down from a tough track session feels like you are running through a pool of mud. Does that mean you overdid it? Just how much fatigue should you feel in training and when have you ...

How Hill Running Builds Faster, More Powerful Legs with David Roche

February 09, 2022 05:01 - 1 hour - 58.1 MB

Do hills intimidate you? Or do you love tackling all the ups and downs? Learn how to run hills more effortlessly, how to incorporate them into your training, and what workouts you can do on hills to build more powerful legs. Elite trail runner and coach David Roche of “Some Work, All Play,” teaches a master class on why hills are so powerful and how exactly to run them. Whether you hate hills or love them, this episode will teach you how to run them right and have fun, too! Connect, Comm...

How to Optimally Plan Your Tune-up Races

February 04, 2022 05:01 - 18 minutes - 19 MB

There are several strategies for scheduling and executing tune up races and when done right, they can enhance your fitness and boost your confidence for the big day.   But, if they’re not done right, they can add extra risk, like not recovering enough, and unnecessary stress to your schedule.   On today’s show, I’m going to talk all about tune up races. You’ll learn: when to add a tune up race for maximum benefit and minimum risk how to run your tune up race to best prepare you for yo...

How Small Mindset Shifts can Help You Achieve Your Dream Goals

February 02, 2022 05:01 - 52 minutes - 48.4 MB

Sometimes the hardest part about having an audacious goal is getting started. How do you get from point A to point B when it seems so far away? How do you keep yourself motivated along the way? We invited Aisha Zaza, host of The Mindset Mile, to teach you the simple mindset trick that has been so effective for athletes we coach and myself as a coach. This is a must listen if you are looking for a daily dose of mindset training on your run or walk today! Connect, Comment, Community Foll...

4 Secret Strategies to Get Really Good at Running

January 28, 2022 05:01 - 17 minutes - 17.7 MB

How do you advance from being a good runner to a really good runner? You’re not a beginner runner any more and you are ready to take it to the next level and stretch to your potential. On today’s Run to the Top, I’m going to share the 4 tricks I learned to get really good at running, which includes… How to break through a running plateau when your performance is stuck How to safely accelerate your training to reach new milestones, and What warning signs to look out for as you advance ...

The Evolution of Women’s Running with Danielle Friedman

January 26, 2022 05:01 - 50 minutes - 47.1 MB

It wasn’t too long ago that running, or really any exercise at all, for women was considered “unladylike”.  Luckily, that’s changed, but there still exists a complicated relationship between a woman's body, exercise, and how it’s viewed around the world. In this interview, we dive deep into this fascinating subject with journalist Danielle Friedman, author of Let’s Get Physical.  Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs...

Should You Run When Sick? When not to run and how to modify your training

January 21, 2022 05:01 - 11 minutes - 12.7 MB

With it being cold and flu season (and still in the midst of a pandemic), how should you adjust your running if you get sick? Do you need to stop completely, merely adjust your hard training days, or something more? On today’s Run to the Top we discuss… when it’s okay to exercise when you are sick, what precautions and modifications you should make to your routine,  when it’s not a good idea to run, and how long it takes to return to fitness after some time off This is a really h...

Making Running More Inclusive: Interview with India Cook

January 19, 2022 05:01 - 44 minutes - 41.9 MB

India Cook is a mentor on the board of advisors of the Coaches of Color Initiative, founded by Matt Fitzgerald’s 80/20 Endurance Team with the goal of improving diversity in endurance sports.   India and I go into the details of the project and touch on how the world of recreational endurance running is beginning to change for the better. She is an uplifting and inspirational person to talk to and I know you are going to love this conversation as much as I did. With her background in men...

Workouts to Race Your First or Best 5k

January 14, 2022 05:01 - 18 minutes - 18.8 MB

Whether you're training for your first 5k or looking for those last few workout secrets to help you blast a new PR, this episode is for you. Coach Claire will help you… Understand the specific physiological demands of the 5k and why it matters Give you specific workouts based on your goal Discuss some racing techniques that will help you turn in your best performance yet. Ready to run your best 5k? Today’s episode is here to help! Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect...

Achieving Your Potential and Wellness as an Older Runner with Running Legend Amby Burfoot

January 12, 2022 05:01 - 54 minutes - 49.9 MB

Unlike runners in their 20s and 30s, older runners are often walking that tightrope between performance, potential and overall health and wellness.  Running is still a battle to perform your best, but we’re also running for our health and overall well-being. That's why we’re thrilled to have legendary runner and writer Amby Burfoot on our podcast to discuss the key ingredients to running happy, maximizing potential, and staying healthy as we get older. In this episode, we cover… What ...


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