From forgetting simple household chores to getting distracted during sex, adult ADHD can have a tremendous impact on a relationship. Today, we’re talking with ADHD Life Coach, Aaron Bailey about the frustrations, workarounds and ways of building a strong relationship with someone with ADHD. 

In some ways, a partner can feel more like a parent. But that’s where patience, knowledge and communication become necessary in order to build strategies for living with ADHD in a relationship.

As a person who has ADHD (combination type), a learning disability, generalized anxiety disorder and depression, Aaron understands the difficulty of the ADHD journey in marriage, fatherhood, work and everyday life. He now works to help others, including his own family, take proactive steps to learn about and accept ADHD as part of a happy, fulfilled life.

In this episode, Aaron and I are talking about:

How ADHD affects relationships The science of ADHD and getting an ADHD diagnosis (vs self-diagnosed ADHD) ADHD medication, particularly for youth and adolescence Important Focus Brain vs Interest Focus Brain Why those with ADHD are often highly emotional and/or sensitive Why ADHD causes forgetfulness and time blindness How ADHD affects sex life and intimacy Tips and workarounds for ADHD in relationships 3 keys for ADHD in relationships: patience, knowledge and communication

The topic of ADHD in relationships came by request from a Room To Grow™ listener and I’d been searching for a long time for an expert to interview on the subject. I hope you learn as much as I did from Aaron and would love to hear what your main takeaways from this episode are. Please email me [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach.  





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