When it comes to confidence, we can too often sit in a state of waiting - waiting for something to  magically happen or shift to finally get over our fears and anxieties. But confidence is something that has to be built, honed and practiced. And the only way to practice is to simply do the thing for the first time, no matter how scary. 

Today we’re talking about how to build the confidence to pursue your next big thing, be it a career, personal goal or relationship. Are you missing out because you’re putting off doing the uncomfortable inner work needed to feel confident enough to go out and attract it?

I can tell you this with complete certainty…

The common thread among successful people, whether in business or relationship, is that they first did it scared.

In this episode, we're talking about:

How to build self confidence Why we get sucked into waiting for things to happen at the perfect time Fear of failure How worry takes more energy than trying and failing How to attract better relationships Dating with confidence Common traits of successful people How to overcome heartbreak, pain and relationship trauma

While confidence requires a lot of inner work, it isn’t built alone.  I’d love to help support you on your self confidence journey – I’ve got 1:1 coaching openings available now. Please reach out by email [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach   


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Instagram: @emilygoughcoach

Email: [email protected]      



Episode 348 | Stop Bullsh*Tting With Your Potential

Episode 371 | Lessons On Learning How To Receive Love In A Healthy Relationship

Episode 292 | Be So F*Cking Loyal To Your Personal Transformation You Become Unshakeable

Episode 285 | When Healthy Love Feels Scary: Some People Aren’t Ready To Be Truly Seen