Even if you know aren't familiar with Ayruveda, you're going to love today's incredible guest and walk away with advice and super easy tips that you can implement into your everyday life right away for big results.  

On today's show I'm talking to Andrea Claassen, an Ayurvedic Coach, personal trainer, and new moon circle leader. Her mission is to help the type A mom slow down, tune in and connect to her divine body wisdom.

Andrea is a wealth of information and breaks things down in ways that are simple and easy to understand.  We talk about what Ayurveda entails, the 3 different types of doshas and qualities associated with each that we can recognize in ourselves, and specific tools to use when we become out of balance.  

We also really get into the connection that our bodies have to nature, how the seasons impact us and why we might need to change the way we eat with the seasons, and daily rituals and practices that can be incorporated easily into everyday life.  

One of the biggest takeaways that I loved from this podcast episode is that Andrea stresses how Ayurveda teaches us to go inwards and have a better understanding around the fact that all of the answers are within ourselves. The older I get, the more I have come to recognize the value in this inner practice and listening to your gut, tuning in to what your body/mind actually really need.  

5 elements of Ayurveda are fire, water, air, earth and ether. 

3 types of doshas: vatta, pitta and koffa

This episode is a wealth of information and you're going to feel reconnected to yourself when you're finished.  And if you love it as much as I do, let me know!  Shoot me an email or reach out on Instagram with your favourite part, I'd love to thank you in real life for listening!  




Instagram @andreaclaassen21

Facebook @ Andrea Claassen

Peaceful Power Podcast



Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life, by Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at emilygoughcoaching.com/045




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You can also email me at [email protected], or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways!  Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!


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