The festive season is officially upon us, because I walked into a grocery store the other day and they already had advent calendars and Christmas decoration.  Where did you go, 2018?!

With Canadian Thanksgiving behind us, American Thanksgiving coming up, and all the festivities that December brings, this can be the merriest time of the year.  It can also be the most stressful.

All kinds of social events that centre almost solely around the food and drinks can mean that we're eating a lot of things we usually wouldn't.  Plus the added stress of the holidays, staying up past your usual bedtime and trying to prep turkey dinner while wrapping gifts can throw a wrench into our usual routines.

I gotchu, boo.  

Today we're talking about the specific ways you can not just survive but THRIVE this holiday season when it comes to nutrition, how to handle Grandma trying to force-feed you her pie (it's with love, promise), prioritizing self care, and forgiveness of yourself and of others.  

Sneak peek: 

ENJOY.  The food, the time spent with loved ones, the season, the entire process.  What you eat shouldn't be causing you so much stress that it's taking the fun out of everything.  You can have your cake and eat it too.  Skipping meals leading up to a big event to "save room" is a poor strategy and is almost guaranteed to backfire.   Moving as often as possible will offset cravings, keep digestion in check and your mood high. Hydrate regularly. Take a water bottle with you when you travel, and nearby when at an event.  SLEEP.  Too often we skimp on sleep this time of year with the late night, functions to go to, and lengthy to-do lists.  No more.  Sleep is the greatest form of self-care, the best gift you can give your digestive health, and crucial to your health. What to do if you overeat Specific strategies to handle loved ones who are trying to force feed you their labour of lovein the form of desserts, extra helpings you don't actually want, and more. Forgiveness of yourself and of others.

A little bit of everything to help you sail through the holidays with joy and ease when it comes to nutrition, mindset, and dealing with loved ones.  These are all strategies I've used in my own life with great success, can't wait to see how they work for you! 



I’ve opened up a handful of FREE 30 minute calls for the next two weeks to help you get super clear on why you feel like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to your health.

You jump from diet to diet, promise yourself that this week will be different, attempt to eliminate entire food groups and end up feeling like you have no self control when it comes to food and willpower, especially around the holidays.

Stop waiting for someone to give you permission, or for the “right time,” whatever that looks like.  There’s no better time than right now, and that way you have new habits you can practice over the holidays and start the new year feeling better than ever, rather than bloated and guilty.

You deserve this.  You deserve to learn how to figure out what your body is trying to tell you and think for yourself.  Plus, this week's calls have already been booking up, so grab your spot quickly! 

Book a free call with Emily here.



Want to chat more and do a deeper dive into this topic and get access to live videos, exclusive guest appearances and discussions?  The Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group is a judgement-free safe space to open up, and I’d love to welcome you in with the other amazing women in the group.  It’s the best place to go for a little extra support.  See you over there!

And, if you can take a screenshot of this episode and tag me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach! I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life!  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!



Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at


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