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Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Weekly Update --- The Real Problem With Our Foreign Policy...

December 05, 2023 04:30 - 5 minutes - 11.6 MB

Weekly Update --- The Real Problem With Our Foreign Policy... by Ron Paul Liberty Report

SecDef Austin: 'Non-Interventionists Are The Real Enemy!'

December 04, 2023 17:48 - 31 minutes - 33.6 MB

Speaking at the Reagan Library over the weekend, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (a former executive in the military-industrial complex) blamed chaos, bloodshed, and terrorism worldwide on Americans who oppose the US global military empire. Non-interventionists are the real enemy, said Austin. Also today: Shipping woes in the Middle East may lead to war explosion. Finally: They lost the J6 deposition tapes? Incompetence or something more sinister?

Can We Learn Anything About Gold From China?

December 01, 2023 17:51 - 33 minutes - 36 MB

We seem to be moving (slowly, but steadily) to a multi-polar world. The U.S. empire is continually losing wars and credibility. Meanwhile, other major powers are stockpiling gold and forming economic relationships with other nations around the world. A hundred years of American wars have been fueled by debt, which are fueled by fiat money. Counterfeit money did this to us; and it can only be fixed with sound money.

'But Who Are The Biggest Liars?' Congress Moves To Expel George Santos

November 30, 2023 17:48 - 27 minutes - 29.5 MB

As the US House is scheduled for a third - and likely successful - vote to expel Rep. George Santos (R-NY), the Congressman held an extraordinary press conference where he took no prisoners calling out the liars den on Capitol Hill. There are little lies...and there are the big lies. Also today: Man or monster? Kissinger dead at 100. Finally: Sen. Paul to force vote on Syria withdrawal.

Biden's Israel Policy Becomes Albatross Around Democrat Party Necks

November 29, 2023 17:58 - 31 minutes - 34.5 MB

With a majority of Americans opposing further US involvement in the Israel/Gaza conflict, President Biden is finding that within his own Democratic Party support for his approach is even softer. Younger voters are solidly opposed to further US support for Israel's continued assault on Gaza. That is why while Biden's initial reaction tracked more closely with his neocon views, he is furiously backpedaling under pressure from his own party. Also today: Rep. Massie is the lone "no" vote on anoth...

"Let Them Eat Cake!" -- UN Wants Americans To Reduce Eating Meat

November 28, 2023 17:48 - 28 minutes - 30.7 MB

Fire up your grill! The UN is set to call on Americans to eat less meat. In the real world, every individual is unique and free to choose whether or not to eat meat. That's obvious to a vast majority of people. But in typical cookie-cutter fashion, the UN presumes to know what everyone's dietary habits should be. Even though the UN has no authority to implement their bad ideas, it does give everyone a glimpse of the authoritarian globalist mindset.

Weekly Update --- Separate Tech And State

November 28, 2023 04:30 - 5 minutes - 11.7 MB

Weekly Update --- Separate Tech And State by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Free Speech: The Great Enemy of The Empire of Lies

November 27, 2023 17:57 - 27 minutes - 29 MB

Throughout history, authoritarians have been playing a futile game of whack-a-mole against the truth. Since authoritarians gain and maintain their power by propaganda and lies, it follows that free speech and the truth are their great enemy. No matter what "systems" the authoritarians try to erect to stop people from speaking freely, the truth always prevails. It ends up being spoken from the most unplanned, unexpected, and unpredictable places. Nevertheless, we must forever remain vigilant a...

The 2009 "What if..." Speech

November 24, 2023 16:50 - 3 minutes - 6.03 MB

Though years have now passed, the American Empire continues to stubbornly overextend itself. Our lives, our liberties, and our economic means are still recklessly placed in serious danger.

The Ron Paul Liberty Report - Thanksgiving Special

November 22, 2023 17:43 - 24 minutes - 21.3 MB

Why is being thankful so important? Why is it important to remain optimistic despite the dark clouds of tyranny? Why is it counterproductive to think that "everything is going according to plan" for the authoritarians, when it obviously isn't? We hope you enjoy this special Thanksgiving Edition of The Ron Paul Liberty Report! If you would like to donate to our show, please visit: Happy Thanksgiving!

Why Is It "Empire First," Instead Of "America First"?

November 21, 2023 17:41 - 24 minutes - 27.3 MB

America wasn't meant to be an empire, but a land of individual liberty. Empires destroy liberty. Why must our money be taken from us for weapons and endless war? Our money shouldn't be taken from us at all, let alone for that! Why not use our money to fix our deteriorating country? Why do our politicians constantly complain about our deteriorating country, yet constantly vote for weapons and war? Why do politicians speak "America First," but vote "Empire First"? Why do they complain about our...

Weekly Update --- We Must Demand Justice For The January 6th Protestors!

November 21, 2023 04:30 - 4 minutes - 11.1 MB

Weekly Update --- We Must Demand Justice For The January 6th Protestors! by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Jan. 6 Tapes Released -- Sorry, No Insurrection

November 20, 2023 17:47 - 27 minutes - 30 MB

It's not called the "Empire of Lies" for nothing. Deception is the oxygen of empire. 44,000+ hours of January 6th footage has been released, and it's quite obvious as to why they weren't released in the first place. Also today, Javier Milei was elected in Argentina. Is change coming to the South American nation?

Unpayable Debts, Unwinnable Wars -- Is America Heading For A Crack-Up Boom?

November 17, 2023 17:52 - 30 minutes - 25.8 MB

History is filled with examples of failed attempts to 'conquer the world.' Americans seceded from the greatest military power that the world had ever seen, in the British Empire. America would be different. It would be the 'land of the free.' And for a while, it was different. Never have so many individuals had so much freedom, and never was so much prosperity created by a single nation. But alas, the ideas of 'conquering the world,' took over and the downward slide began. As the dustbin of...

Biden's Poor Diplomacy With China

November 16, 2023 17:45 - 25 minutes - 28.1 MB

President Biden exhibited poor diplomacy (again); this time by calling Chinese President Xi a "dictator," while Xi was still here in the U.S.! Whether Xi is or isn't a "dictator" really has nothing to do with Americans. That's an issue for the Chinese citizens to work out for themselves. It's their government, not ours. America's foreign policy should be based on the policy of the Founders of our nation: "Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."...

Idiocracy? US Senator Challenges Witness To Fight During Hearing!

November 15, 2023 17:48 - 25 minutes - 27.7 MB

"Get off yer butt!" US Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) challenged Teamster President Sean O'Brien to a fight during a Senate Committee Hearing. Idiocracy? Or a novel way to pay down the debt: pay-per-view Senate brawl hearings! Also today, Nikki Haley demands that you show her your papers! Finally, the fascism of corporate/government collusion on censorship continues.

Where Does The Antiwar Movement Go From Here, With Guest Dave DeCamp

November 14, 2023 18:01 - 32 minutes - 38.4 MB

Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, Israel... As the entire world seemingly goes up in flames, there is at the same time an antiwar movement struggling to break free. Censorship from the media and the "censorship industrial complex" is trying to strangle the messengers and bury the message. News Editor Dave DeCamp joins today's Liberty Report to discuss coalition-building and getting the message out.

Weekly Update --- No Janet, We Cannot Afford More Wars

November 14, 2023 04:05 - 4 minutes - 11.3 MB

Weekly Update --- No Janet, We Cannot Afford More Wars by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Miracle! San Francisco Streets Are Feces-Free For China Leader's Visit!

November 13, 2023 17:50 - 29 minutes - 30.6 MB

While the once-beautiful San Francisco normally looks like an open air sewer and drug encampment, for the upcoming Asia-Pacific summit meeting featuring China's Xi Jinping city officials have rolled out the street cleaners to save the embarrassment. Once the foreign leaders are'll be back to poo and hypodermics! Also today: Venezuelan refugees opt to return to Venezuela after spending time in Chicago. Finally, simmering tensions in Syria and Iraq - is a blow up on the way?

Fiat Dollar Milestone: U.S. Government Interest Payments Hit $1 Trillion!

November 10, 2023 17:49 - 27 minutes - 29.6 MB

Debt literally takes down empires. The U.S. government was never meant to be a militarized empire, since freedom and empire are mutually exclusive. But alas, the decisions to become an empire were made before any of us were born. In typical fashion, the U.S. government has overextended itself militarily around the world, engaging in endless wars. Those wars come at a severe cost, as our standard of living at home deteriorates. Debts cannot be endless. Ultimately, the interest payments will ov...

He's Baaack! The Ghost of John McCain Haunts GOP Debate

November 09, 2023 17:52 - 36 minutes - 38.8 MB

All of a sudden the Republican Party has returned to its 2002, neocon-dominated warmongering. The pseudo-debate last night signaled the return of the neocons and their disastrous warfare-welfare philosophy. Also today: Biden faces internal revolt over his Gaza policy as US troops hit harder and harder in Syria.

White House: 'Many Thousands' Of Innocents Killed In Gaza...But Weapons To Israel Will Continue!

November 08, 2023 17:52 - 32 minutes - 34.3 MB

The White House admitted through National Security Council spokesman John Kirby that "many thousands" of innocent civilians have been killed in Gaza and that many more civilians would continue to be killed...but it refused to slow down weapons shipments or caution Israel over the death toll. Also today, only four House Republicans stand up for free speech in the censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Biden Mideast Policy In Shambles After Blinken's Disaster Trip

November 07, 2023 17:54 - 32 minutes - 34.2 MB

Coming off a disastrous Middle East trip, at which he was shunned at every stop, Biden's Secretary of State Tony Blinken returned to a "dissent" memo signed by numerous State Department officials opposing current US policy. With poll numbers sagging for Biden - and even worse for Kamala - what's Team Biden's next move? All out war?

Weekly Update --- Don't Worry, It's Not Foreign Aid...It's Corporate Welfare!

November 07, 2023 04:30 - 4 minutes - 10.1 MB

Weekly Update --- Don't Worry, It's Not Foreign Aid...It's Corporate Welfare! by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Trump On Trial: Let The Kangaroo Court Continue!

November 06, 2023 18:07 - 29 minutes - 31.2 MB

Former President Donald Trump is expected to testify today in the New York civil case revolving around the alleged elevated valuation of his business empire. While the lawfare against Trump do his poll numbers! Also today: Blinken in Baghdad...he wasn't greeted as a liberator.

Good News! Big Pharma Corporatism Is Failing

November 03, 2023 16:47 - 29 minutes - 31.7 MB

The purpose of government is not to be married to corporations, with each reinforcing the other. Government's legitimate role is not for the protection and growth of corporate profits; and corporations are not meant to strengthen government's destruction of our freedoms. But alas, this is the type of system that Americans have been living under for a very long time. Today we're discussing the "miracle" covid vax that the vast majority of Americans are now refusing to take. The truth always wi...

Lindsey Graham On Gaza: 'Kill 'em All!'

November 02, 2023 16:42 - 24 minutes - 26.1 MB

After Israel's bombing of a Gaza refugee camp this week killed scores of civilians, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN that there should be "no limit" on the number of civilians Israel can kill. In a previous interview he urged Israel to turn Gaza into post-WWII Berlin. Also today, US House passes resolution authorizing attacks on Iran.

Wall Street Eyes 'Explosion Of Profits' From Gaza Destruction

November 01, 2023 16:51 - 32 minutes - 34 MB

A new article in The Guardian details the enthusiasm among the masters of Wall Street for the wars in Gaza (and Ukraine), issuing "buy" orders all around for US weapons manufacturer stocks. Meanwhile, Gaza's largest refugee camp was blown to pieces yesterday. The Biden Administration is now considering sending US troops as "peacekeepers" once the smoke clears. Good idea?

'It's Over' - Zelensky HAMMERED In Time Magazine

October 31, 2023 16:52 - 34 minutes - 35.8 MB

What a difference a year makes. Just a year ago Time Magazine named Ukrainian president Zelensky its "man of year" and raised his status practically to a saint. This week's Time cover could not be more of a contrast. Have the elites finally thrown "Project Ukraine" and Zelensky under the bus now that a new shiny object - a Middle East war - has come around?

Weekly Update --- A Pro-Liberty Speaker

October 30, 2023 20:40 - 5 minutes - 11.7 MB

Weekly Update --- A Pro-Liberty Speaker by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Hold Your Wallets! New Speaker's Ukraine Aid Views 'Evolving!'

October 30, 2023 17:02 - 31 minutes - 33.4 MB

Here they go again! New US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was chosen to replace a Speaker McCarthy over McCarthy's determination to continue dumping billions into Ukraine. Not one week into his Speakership, however, Johnson's views have "evolved" and now he favors more money to Ukraine...and a war in the Middle East!

[9] RPI Conference 2023 - Ron Paul - Which Way, America?

October 28, 2023 16:16 - 49 minutes - 114 MB

[9] RPI Conference 2023 - Ron Paul - Which Way, America? by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[8] RPI Conference 2023 - Douglas Macgregor - Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

October 28, 2023 16:09 - 28 minutes - 52.2 MB

[8] RPI Conference 2023 - Douglas Macgregor - Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[7] RPI Conference 2023 - Michael Vlahos - The Dynamics Of Revolution And Civil War

October 28, 2023 16:06 - 22 minutes - 40.5 MB

[7] RPI Conference 2023 - Michael Vlahos - The Dynamics Of Revolution And Civil War by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[6] RPI Conference 2023 - Max Blumenthal - Ukraine, Europe's 'Big Israel'

October 28, 2023 15:53 - 33 minutes - 60.5 MB

[6] RPI Conference 2023 - Max Blumenthal - Ukraine, Europe's 'Big Israel' by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[5] RPI Conference 2023 - Jonathan Turley - The Trump Indictments And The First Amendment

October 28, 2023 15:48 - 28 minutes - 51.9 MB

[5] RPI Conference 2023 - Jonathan Turley - The Trump Indictments And The First Amendment by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[4] RPI Conference 2023 - Anya Parampil - The Americas In The 21st Century

October 28, 2023 15:43 - 35 minutes - 64.3 MB

[4] RPI Conference 2023 - Anya Parampil - The Americas In The 21st Century by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[3] RPI Conference 2023 - Jeff Deist - The US Dollar Weapon Of Mass Destruction

October 28, 2023 15:33 - 36 minutes - 67.3 MB

[3] RPI Conference 2023 - Jeff Deist - The US Dollar Weapon Of Mass Destruction by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[2] RPI Conference 2023 - Gary Heavin - The Urgency Of Our Times

October 28, 2023 15:27 - 30 minutes - 55.2 MB

[2] RPI Conference 2023 - Gary Heavin - The Urgency Of Our Times by Ron Paul Liberty Report

[1] RPI Conference 2023 - Daniel McAdams - Fraying Threads in the Digital Void

October 28, 2023 15:22 - 14 minutes - 26.6 MB

[1] RPI Conference 2023 - Daniel McAdams - Fraying Threads in the Digital Void by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Federal Deficit on The Rise, Will The New House Speaker Help? - With Guest Phillip Patrick

October 27, 2023 17:56 - 26 minutes - 27.3 MB

The Federal Deficit is on the rise, can we stop it, or slow it down? Dr. Paul discuses with special guest Phillip Patrick.

Speaker Johnson And The DC Meltdown

October 26, 2023 16:48 - 26 minutes - 28.7 MB

After weeks of rancor and chaos, the US House finally has a new Speaker, Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson. Conservatives are cheering and Democrats are wailing. But will anything fundamentally change in DC? Also today: Why was Ron Paul in DC during the Speaker vote? We will reveal in today's Report.

Flashback: Julian Assange Joins Ron Paul Institute Conference 2017

October 24, 2023 16:14 - 19 minutes - 35.2 MB

The Liberty Report will be back LIVE on Thursday. Please enjoy this flashback of Julian Assange joining Ron Paul Institute Conference 2017.

Weekly Update --- Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’

October 24, 2023 03:19 - 4 minutes - 10.7 MB

Weekly Update --- Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’ by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Biden: 'Give Me $105 Billion For Three Front War!'

October 23, 2023 16:53 - 28 minutes - 29.8 MB

The Biden Administration is demanding that Congress authorize a massive $105 billion to continue the war on Russia, to join Israel's war on Gaza, and to irritate China with weapons to Taiwan. Is this election season...or world war three? Also today: Illinois Governor is annoyed that Texas keeps sending him illegal immigrants. Will it spoil the Democratic Convention in Chicago?

Is Venezuela Joining The American Empire?

October 20, 2023 16:47 - 27 minutes - 23.5 MB

With major U.S. interventions in Ukraine and Israel, one must not forget that America interferes in the affairs of nations all over the world; with U.S. taxpayers on the hook for all of it. Meddling in Venezuela was in and out of the news this week. The U.S. agreed to decrease economic sanctions in exchange for Venezuela holding elections under international supervision, and of course, oil. Is this the proper role for the U.S. government?

What Did Biden Promise Netanyahu?

October 19, 2023 16:51 - 31 minutes - 33.3 MB

President Biden has completed his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, with media reporting that he gave a "green light" for Israel to begin a ground operation in Gaza. Many questions remain unanswered, including the role of US military assets in the area and what mission, if any, US troops might have in support of Israeli military action. Also today: Jewish peace groups arrested in US Capitol office buildings and rockets begin flying into US bases in Iraq and Syria.

Bumbling Biden's Disastrous Middle East Trip

October 18, 2023 16:57 - 31 minutes - 33.6 MB

On the eve of what was to be a highly-scripted visit by President Biden to Israel and Jordan, an apparent bombing of a hospital in Gaza tore the plan to shreds as anger at Israel and the US exploded in the region. The Arab leaders he was scheduled to meet in Jordan all bailed out of the summit, leaving just Biden and Netanyahu in an awkward embrace. Also today, Rep. McCaul to authorize US force against Lebanon? Biden to demand another $100 billion for Israel and Ukraine.

US Combat Troops To Gaza? Say It Ain't So, Joe!

October 17, 2023 16:52 - 34 minutes - 36.8 MB

Media is reporting that President Biden is about to deploy some 2,000 US troops to the Gaza region in response to the recent unrest between Israel and Hamas. An additional 2,000 Marines are reported to join them and an additional 10,000 troops may be deployed in the two US Carrier Strike Groups that the US has sent to Israel's coast. Is Biden sneaking the US into a massive Middle East war?

Weekly Update --- Hamas's Victory

October 17, 2023 03:30 - 4 minutes - 9.62 MB

Weekly Update --- Hamas's Victory by Ron Paul Liberty Report


Guilty as Charged
1 Episode