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Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Biden's Bombing Bid Backfires in Middle East

February 05, 2024 17:52 - 32 minutes - 34.7 MB

The Biden Administration's attacks on Syria and Iraq over the weekend was supposed to deter the various militias from continuing to attack US military outposts in the two countries. But it hasn't worked. And it won't work. As Doug Macgregor writes in the American Conservative, Biden's bombing is "pointless...virtue signalling." Also today: Senate border bill is DOA in the House. Speaker Johnson moves to fund Israel in a standalone bill.

America's Fiscal Future...Debt, Deficit And War Spending With Guest Philip Patrick

February 02, 2024 17:21 - 21 minutes - 24.1 MB

Philip Patrick joins the Liberty Report to talk about the grim future of America's economy.

Destroyed Ukraine Is Testing Ground For The Military-Industrial Complex

February 01, 2024 17:37 - 26 minutes - 28.2 MB

WIth an estimated half a million Ukrainian soldiers dead, there is one "bright spot" in the US proxy war with Russia: the US military -industrial complex has used the war as a live-fire testing ground for the latest weapons. As Politico reports, a batch of "Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs" will soon be tested in Ukraine. The US military has not even received these weapons. Also today: Russian investigators claim a US Patriot missile shot down a Russian cargo plane carrying Ukrainian pris...

Pentagon To Troops: 'Get Ready To Fight In Gaza!'

January 31, 2024 17:42 - 28 minutes - 29.9 MB

Though the Biden Administration has said there will be no US troops on the ground in Israel's war on Gaza, The Intercept reports yesterday on a US Air Force memo informing personnel to be “on standby to forward deploy to support troops in the case of on ground US involvement in the Israel Hamas war.” Our war? Also today: Nuland says NEVER to getting out of Syria and the EU goes Warsaw Pact on Hungary.

Bombs Away, Biden?

January 30, 2024 17:49 - 27 minutes - 30 MB

Mainstream media is reporting that President Biden has made a decision on how to respond to the drone strike that claimed three US service members over the weekend. Will it be a direct strike on Iran? More bombs in Iraq? Syria? And will he bother to get authorization from Congress? Also today, John Bolton's "dire" warnings about Trump 2.0.

Weekly Update --- Heading For The 'Texit'?

January 30, 2024 04:30 - 4 minutes - 8.68 MB

Weekly Update --- Heading For The 'Texit'? by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Lindsey Graham: 'Hit Iran!'

January 29, 2024 17:45 - 32 minutes - 34.4 MB

Yesterday's attack on US troops in Syria/Jordan gave Sen. Lindsey Graham the opportunity to repeat his favorite chorus "Attack Iran!" While Republican hawks profess admiration for President Ronald Reagan, they suspiciously ignore one of his most important foreign policy decisions: to pull US troops from Lebanon where they were sitting ducks for attack. Also today: Texit for Texas?

Rand is Right -- Audit The Fed!

January 26, 2024 18:22 - 29 minutes - 31.7 MB

Americans are certainly feeling the pain of rapacious government spending, enabled by Federal Reserve counterfeiting. It's one thing when purchasing luxury items is out of reach. It's understandable. That's why they're called "luxury" items. But when buying food is out of reach? Now you can no longer ignore the source of the problem. Counterfeiting always leads to economic ruin, without exception. The Federal Reserve is certainly not the exception. Senator Rand Paul is right. It's time to aud...

Trump's War on Capitalism - with Guest David Stockman

January 25, 2024 18:18 - 28 minutes - 29 MB

Former US Congressman, OMB Director, and successful businessman David Stockman (who is also on the Board of the Ron Paul Institute) joins today's Liberty Report to discuss his new book on Trump's economic views. Is Trump really at war with capitalism? Tune in to the program!

What Is The Future Of Liberty? - With Guest T.J. Roberts

January 24, 2024 18:07 - 21 minutes - 48.7 MB

Part of the "magic" of the two Ron Paul Republican presidential campaigns was the broad appeal of his message to the younger generation. Kentucky attorney and state senate candidate TJ Roberts is part of the next wave of young liberty activists seeking to correct the rudderless ship of state. What are the issues that animate the next generation of liberty activists?

Weekly Update --- Don't Tax The Rich. End The Fed!

January 24, 2024 04:30 - 4 minutes - 10.5 MB

Weekly Update --- Don't Tax The Rich. End The Fed! by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Israeli Military: 'We Can't Destroy Hamas Tunnels' - With Guest Phil Giraldi

January 23, 2024 17:47 - 28 minutes - 31.3 MB

Despite Israel's political leadership claiming that only the complete destruction of Hamas in Gaza is acceptable, its military leadership is increasingly vocal about the difficulty - or impossibility - of that task. As the US continues to get drawn deeper into the expanding regional war, what are the goals and what is the endgame. Former CIA counterterrorism officer Philip Giraldi joins today's program.

Yemen Strikes 'Not Working'...So Biden Orders More Yemen Strikes!

January 22, 2024 17:44 - 29 minutes - 32 MB

President Biden has admitted that US airstrikes on Yemen have not "deterred" the Houthis from blocking ships from Israeli ports. In response, the Washington Post is reporting that Biden plans to escalate...but has no plan or authorization. This won't end well. Sign up for FREE updates from the Ron Paul Institute here:

"Bidenomics" Lies And The Fed's "Rescue" Operations

January 19, 2024 18:25 - 29 minutes - 32.1 MB

Just the term "Bidenomics" should make Americans cringe. It implies that government is outside and above actual and immutable economic laws. Whenever you see "omics" appended to a politician's name, beware. You're being fed yet another fictitious "narrative." You don't need the government or the media to "explain" your economic situation to you. Their "explanation" will rarely, if ever, match reality.

Biden's War On The First Amendment

January 18, 2024 17:54 - 32 minutes - 34 MB

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) is demanding answers after discovering that the Biden Administration has instructed government officials to flag financial transactions for financial institutions for people using politically sensitive words such as "MAGA" and Trump." Also today: The kids aren't buying the climate change religion...and a British lefty group wants to punish them for it. Finally...another round of attacks on Yemen fails. What next?

Weekly Update --- Congress Asleep As Biden Makes War On Yemen

January 18, 2024 04:30 - 4 minutes - 9.96 MB

Weekly Update --- Congress Asleep As Biden Makes War On Yemen by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Making Liberty Work For The Future - With Guest Connor Boyack

January 17, 2024 19:28 - 30 minutes - 33.1 MB

Connor Boyack is the founder of the Libertas Institute and the author of the highly influential "Tuttle Twins" series of books geared toward teaching young people about freedom and liberty.

The Trump Bulldozer Plows Through Frozen Iowa

January 16, 2024 17:15 - 22 minutes - 20.3 MB

Former President Donald Trump won the first in the nation primary by an historic margin, leaving Nikki “Nipping At Don’s Heels” Haley far in the dust. What does this say about the American voter considering the numerous indictments and other lawfare tools being used against him? Also today: Iran retaliates as DC sends more troops to the region.

Biden's Yemen Attacks Fail To 'De-Escalate' Red Sea Tensions

January 15, 2024 17:47 - 31 minutes - 34.2 MB

As could have been predicted, several rounds of US and allied airstrikes on Yemen have failed to "de-escalate" tensions with the Houthis, who have declared that they would halt shipping to and from Israeli ports in response to Tel Aviv's destruction of Gaza. In a bind, what will Biden do? Also today...Netanyahu tells the truth. Finally: US watched as American journalist died in Ukrainian dungeon.

U.S. Strikes Houthis -- Where's Congress?

January 12, 2024 17:42 - 27 minutes - 30.1 MB

The U.S. has decided to bomb yet another Middle Eastern nation, this time the Houthis in Yemen. Once again, this has nothing to do with the security of the United States, and once again Congress has not declared war - which makes this action blatantly unconstitutional. It's evident that we (and our representatives!) have been relegated to being mere spectators as a small handful of people in government place our lives and property into significant danger.

Iran Takes Back Oil Stolen By US. Neocon Heads Explode.

January 11, 2024 17:48 - 30 minutes - 32.8 MB

Iran has seized the exact cargo ship seized by the United States last year, raising the stakes in the Middle Eastern tinderbox. The US seized the ship and confiscated the million barrels of Iranian oil as a punishment for violation of US sanctions. Now the Iranians are likely to "get their oil back" from the exact same (renamed) ship, this time carrying Iraqi oil. Also today: US moves closer to seizing Russian assets and Speaker Johnson pledges the US to defend Taiwan.

World War III Or Financial Meltdown? Both? Special Guest Gerald Celente Previews 2024!

January 10, 2024 17:51 - 35 minutes - 36.8 MB

Famed trends forecaster Gerald Celente joins today's Liberty Report to give us an idea of what to look for in 2024. Will we have a global economic meltdown? Total war? More tyranny?

Blinken Rebuffed in Israel: 'No Palestinian Return to North Gaza!'

January 09, 2024 17:55 - 35 minutes - 37.8 MB

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Israel trying to convince Tel Aviv to slow down on killing civilians, stop flattening infrastructure, and to not ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians. Israel's response thus far has been a hard "no." Has Washington ever been so impotent? Also today, thousands of amputee children in Gaza continue to suffer as US-provided bombs destroy their lives.

Weekly Update --- Soft Landing Or Hard Crash?

January 09, 2024 04:44 - 4 minutes - 10.7 MB

Weekly Update --- Soft Landing Or Hard Crash? by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Forget 'Where's Waldo'...Where's Lloyd Austin?

January 08, 2024 17:58 - 36 minutes - 38.1 MB

Call it "The Case of the Disappearing Defense Secretary." Just as a major war is about to break out in the Middle East - which will most certainly involve the United States - President Biden's Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin...disappeared! And no one noticed! Who's running the show? Also today: Hold your wallets: House Republican leadership set to "compromise" on big spending budget. Finally - war profits: US-funded troops from Israel are fighting US-funded troops from Lebanon.

Bankruptcy Alert! Interest On Debt Now Greater Than "Defense" Budget

January 05, 2024 17:47 - 27 minutes - 30.3 MB

America was never meant to be an empire. It was meant to remain the "land of the free." Empires are the antithesis of freedom, and they always end up going broke. Alas, after 100 years of foreign misadventures, we Americans find ourselves saddled with the biggest government in history and an empire that's going broke! Just the interest on the national debt is now higher than the extremely bloated "defense" budget. We all know what happens when interest payments overwhelm, right? Liquidation.

America Waking Up? War Fears Up 100% In New Poll

January 04, 2024 18:36 - 30 minutes - 32.8 MB

Are Americans getting war-weary? A new AP-NORC poll has revealed that the percentage of Americans who consider foreign policy a top issue has doubled this year. The Biden Administration thus far has been one of steady increase in military involvement overseas and as this and other recent polls show, Americans are fed up. Also today: New House Bill calls for the US to drop charges against Assange. Can we get it some traction?

Who's Behind Today's Terror Attack In Iran?

January 03, 2024 17:47 - 27 minutes - 30.1 MB

Iran has suffered its largest terror attack in more than 40 years, as several explosive devices went off at a memorial ceremony for the late Gen. Soleimani. With tensions in the Middle East already at an extreme, who could have been behind the attack and who benefits? Also today: surprise surprise - the "extremism in the military" scare was completely bogus. Another Biden lie.

Weekly Update --- A New Year's Resolution Worth Keeping

January 02, 2024 23:34 - 4 minutes - 9.85 MB

Weekly Update --- A New Year's Resolution Worth Keeping by Ron Paul Liberty Report

What WON'T Happen In 2024!

January 02, 2024 17:31 - 20 minutes - 22.2 MB

Many podcasts and prognosticators are busy today making predictions of what to expect in 2024. We are taking a different approach. Today we bring you a few things you can bet will NOT happen in the new year.

What To Expect In 2024! Will Truth Vanquish The Lies Of The Evil Doers?

December 29, 2023 17:50 - 32 minutes - 27.4 MB

Mankind's enduring battle between power and liberty is about to flip the calendar page once again. While the former uses force to create division, the latter seeks harmony through voluntary interactions. Power may have the upper hand as we start the new year, but the desperation to hold onto that power has now become more than obvious. What are the prospects for liberty as we enter 2024?

Flashback 2011 - 'Freedom Is a Young Idea and We're Throwing It Away'

December 28, 2023 16:45 - 10 minutes - 18.9 MB

Flashback 2011 - 'Freedom Is a Young Idea and We're Throwing It Away' by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Flashback 1988 - Ron Paul on The Proper Role of Government

December 27, 2023 16:32 - 9 minutes - 17.9 MB

Flashback 1988 - Ron Paul on The Proper Role of Government by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Flashback 2012: Ron Paul's Final Floor Speech To Congress

December 26, 2023 16:01 - 48 minutes - 88.9 MB

Flashback 2012: Ron Paul's Final Floor Speech To Congress by Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Fed's Fake Victory

December 22, 2023 18:14 - 32 minutes - 34.7 MB

Inflation is "down," so we'll be popping open the good champagne this New Year’s Eve, right? Then why does it seem like we should be popping open soda cans instead? Why do our own senses (and bills) tell us a different story from the government's "narratives"? Can we ever expect the truth from a government that spends money that it doesn't have, that the Federal Reserve has to counterfeit into existence?

Bar Biden From The Ballot?

December 21, 2023 18:14 - 28 minutes - 30 MB

This week's decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to bar former President Trump from the presidential ballot has led to expected repercussions: Republicans across the country are threatening revenge barring Biden from red state ballots. Where is voting in this country headed? Also today, US wields veto threat to keep UN from calling for Gaza ceasefire. Please make your year-end, tax deductible donation to the Ron Paul Institute right away - a generous supporter has offered $50,000 in matchi...

Rogue State! Colorado Supremes Knee-Cap Donald Trump

December 20, 2023 17:55 - 25 minutes - 28.9 MB

The Colorado Supreme Court - all them appointees of Democratic governors - has ruled that Donald Trump cannot appear on the state's presidential ballot, claiming his participation in the January 6th, 2021 "insurrection" disqualified him under the 14th Amendment. Will the latest partisan attack on Trump just make him stronger? Also today: big trouble in little Yemen. And finally: Republican Congressman urges US fight against "communist" Russia...

A Ron Paul Family Christmas

December 19, 2023 17:46 - 6 minutes - 5.34 MB

The tree is up and so are the decorations. Ron and Carol Paul invite the Liberty Report into their home to talk about what makes Christmas special to the ever-growing Paul family that will soon join them for the holiday...

Weekly Update --- Congress' 'Gift' To America This Christmas

December 19, 2023 04:30 - 4 minutes - 11.3 MB

Weekly Update --- Congress' 'Gift' To America This Christmas by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Rocking The GOP - With Special Guest Vivek Ramaswamy!

December 18, 2023 17:55 - 32 minutes - 35.7 MB

GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has lit up what would otherwise have been mind-numbingly boring Republican presidential debates by hitting the candidates HARD on their support for the warfare-welfare state. Is Vivek the future of the GOP?

What Is The Fed's "Doomsday Book"?

December 15, 2023 17:43 - 25 minutes - 26.7 MB

Thanks to a FOIA request, an internal document from the Federal Reserve, known as the "Doomsday Book" has been released. The purpose of it is to guide The Fed's actions during emergencies. Emre Kuvvet, professor of finance at Nova Southeastern University says "the central bank—or at least the legal team at its dominant member bank—apparently believes it can rely on precedent to justify virtually any emergency action." Do laws lose their purpose when virtually anything can be justified? Perhap...

Traitors! Congress Votes To Extend Unconstitutional Spying On Americans!

December 14, 2023 17:49 - 23 minutes - 25.2 MB

The US House this morning joined the Senate in approving the massive, trillion dollar National Defense Authorization Act where Congressional leadership snuck in authorization for the government to continue to illegally spy on US citizens not suspected or accused of any crime! In the House, Speaker Johnson only passed the bill with the assistance of Democrats - a move that cost his predecessor his job. Will Johnson suffer a backlash for betraying his promises?

Hunter Biden Presser: "I Did Not Have Financial Relations With That Father!

December 13, 2023 17:47 - 32 minutes - 34.4 MB

In a surprise move, "first son" Hunter Biden took to the media on the day he was supposed to appear before Congress. Hunter assured the American people that his dad, President Biden, had nothing at all to do with Hunter's extremely shady business successes while his dad was VP. Will America believe him? Also today: US Intel claims Russia lost 90 percent of its military. So...why was Zelensky in town begging for more aid?

'You're Inspiring Putin!' - Zelensky In DC Insults Senate Republicans

December 12, 2023 17:48 - 37 minutes - 39.2 MB

On another desperation begging trip to the US, Ukraine president Zelensky tears into Senate Republicans hesitant to send over another $60 billion to what is widely accepted to be a lost cause. Such Republicans are "inspiring Putin" barked Zelensky. Also today who's greenlighting Gaza mayhem? And finally: 'Woke' Canada cancels Christmas.

Weekly Update --- Biden, Media Gaslight People About Inflation

December 12, 2023 04:09 - 4 minutes - 8.61 MB

Weekly Update --- Biden, Media Gaslight People About Inflation by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Ending 'Wokeness' On Campus? Or Another Attack On Free Speech?

December 11, 2023 17:50 - 26 minutes - 28.3 MB

Universities have been in the news over the past week with the grilling of Ivy League university presidents over an alleged outbreak of "hate speech" about Israel. Is the new move against "hate speech" a continuation of wokeism or a return to free speech?

Natural Law Vs. The Nihilistic Empire Of Lies

December 08, 2023 17:54 - 26 minutes - 28.7 MB

Empires grow and expand on lies. The bigger the empires, the bigger the mountains of lies have to be in order to sustain them. Ultimately, when enough time passes, even the lies start to lose their potency. They keep coming at rapid fire, but the number of believers start to dwindle. Empires require concentrated and centralized "narratives," along with censorship. Therefore, decentralized information, the freedom to choose where you get your information, and free speech are the only way forward.

Desperation? Biden Warns Trump To Rule As 'Dictator'

December 07, 2023 17:54 - 35 minutes - 37.1 MB

With 'Russiagate" dead and buried (for now), President Biden is looking for new scares to warn voters off Trump. "He'll be a dictator," is the new mantra. Meanwhile the reality is that all presidents rule as dictators. Also today: how about that Republican debate? Finally: MTG lets loose on the evil NDAA and limp Republican dealmakers.

Shock Poll: MOST Americans Support PERMANENT Gaza Ceasefire!

December 06, 2023 17:53 - 32 minutes - 34.7 MB

Despite what you may hear in the mainstream media, poll after poll demonstrate clearly that the American people have very little interest in being involved in Israel's war on Gaza. The latest poll, released this week, shows that a majority of ALL American voters want a permanent ceasefire. Meanwhile, US Congress keeps stoking the flames of war and the President keeps delivering weapons. Also today...even Germany's Die Welt admits that Ukraine war likely lost.

White House: 'We're Out Of Money For Ukraine'

December 05, 2023 18:03 - 40 minutes - 43 MB

The White House is becoming desperate to continue funding for its "Plan Ukraine," claiming that the money will run out in just three weeks' time. Zelensky himself has been summoned by Senate Majority Leader Schumer to make the case for more funding in a behind-the-doors classified briefing to Senators. Republicans are trying to tie funding to US border security. Aldo today: The Pentagon can't account for 61 percent of four trillion in assets. By design?


Guilty as Charged
1 Episode