One of the best opportunities to prepare assets for retirement occurs when we have the opportunity to access retirement accounts at 591/2. First, at age 591/2 you have the ability to pull from retirement accounts without the additional 10% penalty. If you need income to support yourself, this is the traditional milestone that allows you to utilize tax-deferred accounts like 401(k)’s and IRA’s. Additionally, more and more employer sponsored retirement plans are allowing participant employees to remove funds from the employer’s plan and reposition them to their own Individual Retirement Accounts, while still continuing to work and participate in future and on-going contributions, as well as continue to capture any company matching. This can be advantageous in offering the ability for a wider range and selection of investment options and selecting vehicles more appropriate for retirement goals. It also can allow for greater flexibility for things like the consideration of Roth conversions to manage taxes in retirement. For more information contact Ron Courser, CFP® from Cornerstone Retirement Partners at (616) 301-2581 and visit the website at