If you took a polled your staff with the question, "Do you think next year will be easy?" . . . I would be willing to bet the resounding answer would be 'No'. The reasons would vary. From current economic status of the families, virtual learning, kids getting sick to the uncertainty of what the next week or month holds. Then if you asked the question, "Do you think we can still create a world-class teaching environment, regardless of the circumstances?". . . well, those answers may not all be the same. 

The goal of a leader is to prepare, inspire and support your team to weather any storm - even COVID-19. We all realize the uncertain times we are about to embark on, but how do you create a team that is confident, excited and prepared for any adversity that comes their way? That is what we explore in today's podcast.

#1 Kindness Speech (link)

Think Kindness (link) is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspire measurable acts of kindness in schools and communities around the world. Each year, the organization hosts a national kindness school tour, where schools take on a challenge to change the world, in just 15 Days!