Juan Bendana is a renowned speaker, author, and DJ who speaks on high school & University campuses as well as conferences internationally. He speaks to 50,000+ students, educators, and parents across Canada & the United States every year.

He is the Founder of The 100 Day Playbook, a guided Journal that helps students build better habits, boost productivity, & optimize their life.

Productivity is something that takes constant practice. There are good days and there are 'not so productive' days. But there are some simple strategies that you can implement to help ensure you have all the right pieces aligned to ensure a successful & productive day!

Before productivity begins, you must first start with the right mindset. There are simple things you can do to 'trick' your brain to into a productive mindset.
1) Environmental Cues (setting the stage & be intentional)
2) Real Clothing (get out of your PJ's)
3) Be Present

1) Work out and be active!
2) Have an accountability partner
3) Drink Water
4) Stay organized

EPISODE SPONSOR: Revolution Lightboards

Alter Ego | An award-winning performance expert reveals the secret behind many top athletes and executives: creating a heroic alter ego to activate when the chips are down.

King Warrior Lover Magician | Redefining age-old concepts of masculinity, Jungian analysts Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette make the argument that mature masculinity is not abusive or domineering, but generative, creative, and empowering of the self and others. Moore and Gillette clearly define the four mature male archetypes that stand out through myth and literature across history: the king (the energy of just and creative ordering), the warrior (the energy of aggressive but nonviolent action), the magician (the energy of initiation and transformation), and the lover (the energy that connects one to others and the world), as well as the four immature patterns that interfere with masculine potential (divine child, oedipal child, trickster and hero).