We're back with a new name, The Fire Within, and it's time to get down to business.

The energy in my life is shifting, and I can feel it in the collective, too. We're coming back to balance.

I feel like this new year really is a fresh start, a shift back toward balance. I realized I'd been more in my wounded feminine and wounded masculine energies, and I feel truly ready to shift toward the divine versions of those energies.

It's a balance between mental toughness (masculine energy, a readiness to DO, to get down to business, to drop the excuses) and softness (feminine energy, back to creativity, allowing myself to be both supported and loved fully).

Are you ready? Come along with me on a journey toward big success this year!


If this episode resonates, please be sure to share it to your social media, and remember to tag me!


Join GLOW: The Confidence Club! The monthly membership for energetic support for healers--increase your confidence and step fully into your purpose with the help of Reiki, meditation, and coming soon--fitness too!


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Download your free Confidence meditation here!


Release energy blocks, gain CLARITY, and move energy on a SOUL level through Reiki energy healing! Click here to book your session! (**Card pulls always included with Reiki sessions!)


Choose your individual Akashic Records session!


Get the Confidence-Boosting Meditation Collection: 12 Guided Meditations to Increase Mindfulness and Focus, Reconnect to Yourself, and Build True Confidence


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Download your FREE Abundance Meditation here!


Purchase a 3-card or 8-card Oracle reading here! (All done via email. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response.)


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Create your own positive affirmations without feeling cheesy or fake with the Affirmations Workbook!


Support Operation Underground Railroad and stop child sex trafficking! Listen to Tim Ballard, founder of OUR, on the Jordan Harbinger Show and also here on The Chalene Show.


Hear the important story of Elizabeth Frazier, survivor of sex trafficking at the hands of her own parents, right here in America, on The Chalene Show.