We can't pretend that reality doesn't exist; there are a LOT of problems in this world, no matter which side of any of it you're on. And it's overwhelming, especially when many outcomes look bleak, or it looks like things might get worse.


I've always believed on an individual, person-to-person level that if there's a problem that needs to be fixed, it HAS to be talked about. If you ignore it, it will only bottle up and get bigger until it explodes.


But I'm starting to wonder about how to solve more global scale problems...what if we just stopped talking about them?? Or at least simply took a break from the constant worry?


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Support Operation Underground Railroad and stop child sex trafficking! Listen to Tim Ballard, founder of OUR, on the Jordan Harbinger Show and also here on The Chalene Show.


Hear the important story of Elizabeth Frazier, survivor of sex trafficking at the hands of her own parents, right here in America, on The Chalene Show.