I interview Michelle Brelaz to talk about putting relationships back together.
Michelle puts relationships back together and her goal is to reduce the divorce rate one couple at a time. She is a certified coach, trained through the official school of Anthony Robbins. Michelle also has a Diploma of Counseling and a Degree in Psychology. She has a deep desire to understand the differences between men and women so that she can provide training that facilitates respect between the genders. In time, she would like to take her training to schools – to help prevent relationship problems before they start.
Michelle had no intention of going into this line of work, but an incident where her husband lashed out and hit their daughter was the catalyst for her starting this path for her career.  She felt the counseling they went to “un-did” them and pulled them apart. She decided she wanted to focus on putting relationships back together.
Pain talks. Pain has a language all of its own. People say things when they are in pain, they don't say when they're in love.
So how is Michelle putting relationships back together?
Michelle feels that counseling for couples should be done individually rather than partners going to counseling together and she will never counsel a husband and wife together. People say things when they are hurt that aren't really part of the problem or important to the relationship. Words can hurt and they are difficult to take back.
She has her clients send her a list, in order of importance, of things they want to discuss.
Women multi-think and they to need a few extra sessions to process everything. She typically has 6 sessions with women and 3 with men
Do not blame each other. There is no one to blame.
Michelle gives us some great tips to stay away from Divorce. Some of those tips are: 

* People rush into relationships before talking about big issues such as money and children
* Once people marry they become selfish. Keep that “What can I do for my partner” attitude you had in the beginning.
* Sit down every 2 weeks and review the last two weeks. Talk about feelings, fun things, what made them happy, good things that happened.
* Your relationship is a small part of your life. Don't give up your life, friends hobbies, sports etc.
* Take care of yourself first and then help your partner and children
* Keep Respect

Michelle's advice: Your relationship in retirement can almost seem like a newly wed stage of getting to know each other again and spending a lot of time together. If you think you want to get a divorce, go and get as much help as possible. You are going to lose money, relationships, extended family, and dating at a later stage in life is very difficult.
To get today’s Freebie, 3 tips for improving your relationships immediately, go to: www.RockYourRetirement.com/relationships
Contact information for Michelle: https://yusrelationshiprepairspecialists.com/
Mentioned in the interview:
Allison Armstong
Tony Robbins (Robbins-Madanes Training) 
Joan Price Rock Your Retirement Episode 061
This post about retirement and Retirement Lifestyle first appeared on http://RockYourRetirement.com

I interview Michelle Brelaz to talk about putting relationships back together. Michelle puts relationships back together and her goal is to reduce the divorce rate one couple at a time. She is a certified coach, trained through the official school of Anthony Robbins. Michelle also has a Diploma of Counseling and a Degree in Psychology. […]

The post Putting Relationships Back Together: Episode 89 appeared first on Rock Your Retirement.

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