I talk with Lisa Woodruff about organizing your home
Lisa Woodruff believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. She has helped thousands of women reclaim their homes and finally get organized with her practical tips, encouragement, and humor through her blog and podcast at Organize365.com.
Got clutter? I Do.
I am the “queen of clutter” or, as Lisa put's it, “I have a hard time separating the memory from the object”. Makes perfect sense right? Since listening to Lisa's show, I have been making progress. I am a HUGE fan of Lisa's show and wanted YOU, my listener, to be able to learn tips on organizing your home.
Paper.. how to deal with all of the paper!
When you look at a stack of 100 sheets of paper, you think that is 100 different items that you need to deal with. Lisa looks at your stack of 1000 pieces of paper and she knows that there are no more than 8 categories in that stack of paper and she can go through it super quickly. Lisa gives an amazing tip on how to go through the archived paper. You know, the mounds of paper you have in your filing cabinet or scattered all over your desk, or taking over your kitchen table..that paper. Using Lisa's method, you can be completely through an entire filing cabinet in just a few months.
The Sunday Basket
The Sunday Basket is a system for processing mail, kitchen counter “to do” papers, and ongoing household projects.
Some examples of things you might put in the Sunday basket are:

* Mail
* Receipt for some prescriptions that you picked up
* The dry cleaning ticket
* The little card you get from the doctor's office telling you it's time for your next visit
* A birthday card you bought for your granddaughter
* Let's say you planned on re-hanging some pictures and you went and got command hooks. You would put those in there.

The rule is that you pick a day of the week (Lisa does hers on Sunday) and you take every single thing out of the basket. You then ask yourself one question; can this wait until next Sunday?  If the answer is yes, the item goes back in the basket. If the answer is no, it is left out to be taken care of. She even suggests making a Sunday basket for your spouse or for your loved one that you are caring for!
Lisa gives so many tips on organizing your home in this interview there is no way I could write them all here. If you have any great ideas or tips on organization feel free to post them in the comments below!
Lisa's Books: The Mindset of Organization, Take Back Your House One Phase at a Time
If you would like to contact Lisa you can email her at [email protected] or you can go to her website https://organize365.com/
Or you can check out her virtual Sunday Basket Classes at https://thesundaybasket.com/
Websites mentioned in this interview: Zoom
This post about retirement and Retirement Lifestyle first appeared on http://RockYourRetirement.com

I talk with Lisa Woodruff about organizing your home Lisa Woodruff believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. She has helped thousands of women reclaim their homes and finally get organized with her practical tips, encouragement, […]

The post Organizing Your Home: Episode 088 appeared first on Rock Your Retirement.

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