Welcome back to the show!

In this episode, I catch you up on some insights I have had during the California fires and the current state of the world.

Mentioned in this episode:

My Global Online 300-Hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Kenny Graham [Elemental Yoga Training] The Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele The waitlist is open! The Elemental Yoga Retreat at Pachamama Mexico in Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico; June 22-27, 2021. Get on the registration list here. www.emilyperry.com/baja2021 The LiveAwake Collective online meditation and breathwork practice community.

Don’t forget to take a screenshot of you listening to this episode, and tell us all about your takeaways: tag us in your Instagram Stories: @emilyperry.co and @rockyourpurpose.

Until next time: take care, be well, and we'll talk to you soon.