Welcome back to the show!

Thank you so much for joining us here on the show.

This episode is all about stepping into the alchemy of now and tapping into deep healing for ourselves and the planet.

Maybe you have had to make some big shifts in your soul business— I know I have.

In this episode of the show, I give you a little update on what's happening over here in RYP land, and how we are shifting to meet the times.

This episode is sponsored by:

Elemental Yoga Global Online Yoga Teacher Trainings
with Emily Perry & Kenny Graham.

Step into your yoga practice in a deeper way, and share what you love which supporting others in their healing journey.

Learn more at www.elementalyogatraining.com

This episode is also brought to you by the LiveAwake Collective: start crafting your aligned life, and deepen your connection to your self.

Join other lit-up luminaries ready to heal & transform their lives.

Grab your $1, 14 Day trial at liveawakecollective.com.

Don't forget to take a screenshot of you listening to this episode, and tell us all about your takeaways: tag us in your Instagram Stories: @emilyperry.co and @rockyourpurpose.

Thank you so much for joining us on the show!

Until next time, be well.. and I'll talk to you soon.

Big Love & Sat Nam,
Emily Perry