Previous Episode: Loving Authentically
Next Episode: Comfort in Crisis

In the midst of hopelessness about our circumstances, anxiety about the unknowns, or loneliness in everyday life, bringing God into the moment is the way we have peace. Life is too big for us to do it alone, and God never expected us to.

Living and functioning in the truth that He is always just one thought away provides the assurance and resilience that we all want in life. Declaring God’s faithfulness through thanksgiving and inviting God to be with you in advance of trials strengthens your connection to God when you most need His presence in your life.

Please join us for a discussion of the perpetual presence and power of God and His plan for you to live in His supernatural peace that defies human understanding.

In His Rest,

John and Beth

P.S. If our podcasts stir up ideas for other podcast topics or a desire to find out about Rock House counseling, contact us through [email protected] or call us at 615-369-0668.