“Syndicate” is a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote some common interest. Our common interest at Rock Bottom Syndicate is to be of service.

Rock Bottom Syndicate is my community of friends who, after having hit rock bottom, discovered that being of service to help others has a surprising side effect. We get better. We make better decisions. We learn to live strong, joyous lives.


Rock Bottom Syndicate is about people who have a story to tell to inspire others to keep working toward their potential no matter what happens.

Rock Bottom is an opportunity to learn, pivot and adapt to whatever life throws your way.

Rock Bottom is a time where you can choose to take responsibility for everything in your life because when you take responsibility you gain control to change things for yourself.

Your secrets are the prison of your emotions. Telling your story will set you free to be yourself, to heal, grow as a person and move on to enjoy the journey of a strong, joyous life.

Ask for help. Tell your story.

Reach out to Coach Joyce at @TotalWellCoach on all social media platforms. I love getting questions and DMs and making new connections! What do you need help with? What problem are you trying to solve! Your questions help me produce great content that helps more people!

JOIN MY TOTAL WELL COACH INNER CIRCLE for virtual coaching, classes and webinars!

Subscribe and share my TotalWellCoach YouTube Channel to see the video of our interview.

If you love my work and want to support what I do, here’s a link to Make a Donation. 💪❤

Here to help with any questions and more. Please feel free to reach out anytime and get me direct on LinkedIn / WhatsApp / FB / IG / Twitter & phone + 1 617 666 1122 @totalwellcoach


My guest on this episode of Rock Bottom Syndicate is Mark Metry.

Reach out to Mark at www.MarkMetry.com.

Mark's book, Screw Being Shy: How to Eliminate Social Anxiety, is available today!

Mark Metry is on Amazon Prime's TV Docuseries "The Social Movement" season 2 attempting to solve some of the world's biggest problems. 

Mark is also the Host of the Global Top 100 podcast called Humans 2.0 featured by Forbes, NASDAQ, and Yahoo Finance as the "Top 21 Growing Podcasts you must listen to in 2019." Mark's show has been listened to over 10 million times and features the greatest leaders of our time and frequently converses with Billionaires, Professional Athletes, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, and New York Times Bestselling authors exploring today's dynamic of the human experience in modern technological times of 2019.

Mark is an MC (emcee) and TEDx Keynote speaker delivering mind-blowing talks centered around human potential, mindset, social anxiety, mental health, transformation and using podcasting / marketing to grow awareness & business and has spoken alongside Olympian gold medalists to Fortune 500 executives and has even hosted an event next to James Altucher and soon to be speaking next to Gary Vaynerchuk.

Mark Metry routinely consults & educates Fortune 500 companies, conscious organizations, entrepreneurs & startups on podcasting, company communication, marketing, and authentic branding.

Mark's story has been featured in 3 books, including Ditch the Act by McGraw Hill, Standing O! alongside Billionaires and other mavericks, and We're All Marketers. Mark is the author of the upcoming book

Screw Being Shy: How to Eliminate Social Anxiety released March 13, 2020. Mark has also been a guest on over 120+ podcasts, radio stations, and television. 

Key Points

First-generation immigrant born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1997 of Parents from Egypt and came with $200 only, and didn't speak the English language.

At the Age of 7 went on Local Public Television after winning an Art Competition and begins entrepreneurial tendencies like selling baseball & Pokemon cards.

Faced autoimmune based health issues during childhood & adolescence like asthma, ADD, IBS, appendicitis, insomnia, and more.

Endured severe social anxiety from a young age until 18 years old.

Started a YouTube Channel in 2010 and gained over 35,000 subscribers and earned a paying partnership with a Network.

In 2013, started the World’s #1 Minecraft Server and was the start of a six-figure business at the age of 15.

2016 hit rock bottom gaining over 60 lbs and depressed after discovering he was on the wrong path in life and was tried to be somebody else and not his true self.

November, 2016 Mark draws the line in the sand and began the quest of becoming a Human v2.0 and living a mentally healthy lifestyle.

December, 2016 started his business an acceleration agency on the edge of the growing exponential technologies industry.

August, 2017 began the creation of Humans 2.0 Podcast

August, 2018 Apple iTunes ranked Mark Metry’s Humans 2.0 Podcast in the Global Top 100 Podcasts among Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, NPR, Lewis Howes’ School of Greatness and more.

December, 2018 Forbes reaches out to Mark to conduct a 2-hour video interview on his life story.

October, 2019, Mark gets invited to be on Amazon Prime's docuseries "The Social Movement" season 2.

November, 2019: Mark is successfully invited to give a TEDx talk on mental health & social anxiety.