Rock Bottom Syndicate is about people who have a story to tell to inspire others to keep working toward their potential no matter what happens.

Rock bottom is an opportunity to learn, pivot and adapt to whatever life throws your way.

Rock bottom is a time where you can choose to take responsibility for everything in your life because when you take responsibility you gain control to change things for yourself.

Your secrets are the prison of your emotions.  Telling your story will set you free to be you, to heal and move on to create a strong, joyous life.

Reach out to Coach Joyce at @TotalWellCoach on all social media platforms. I love getting questions and DMs and making new connections! What do you need help with? What problem are you trying to solve! Your questions help me produce great content that helps more people!

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Here to help with any questions and more. Please feel free to reach out anytime and get me direct on LinkedIn / WhatsApp / FB / IG / Twitter & phone + 1 617 666 1122 @totalwellcoach


My guest in this episode 16 of Rock Bottom Syndicate is Annemarie Tolman, RN, MSN

Annemarie shares her rock bottom story about losing her baby son Daniel at 4 days old.  Over time, Daniel has remained a part of Annemarie's life and he has helped her accept his short life as a blessing and gateway to living her own life at a higher frequency.  Today, Anniemarie helps others to do the same with her 3 BrainSolutions.

3 BrainSolutions- Helping high performers feel and focus their best by maximizing the performance of their 3 brains (brain heart gut) | Brain Heroes | Brain Mastery| Mental Wellness Movement

Reach out to Annemarie on Facebook, Instagram @annemarietolman, on LinkedIn and on her website

About Annemarie Tolman, RN, MSN from LinkedIn:

Better Brain - Better You! 

Are you a super motivated, driven, but time starved Top Performer (Professional, Executive & Mom/ Dad) who is ready to Lean Out?

Are the emotional work and mental demands of your day to day pressures taking a pretty big toll? 

All around the globe top professionals and executives and - yes - parents are opting out of important work they love to do because they are exhausted. 

Tired of the Hamster Wheel
Tired of working until 11pm at the office 
Tired of running everywhere with their kids
Tired of the demands of day to day living
Burnt Out
Running Ragged! 

Are you one of them? 

Life is short, 
So LIVE it the way you REALLY want to live it.

I know the story. As a highly successful Hopkins RN I was going, and going, and going as well. Don't get me wrong, I totally loved it. But when my 4th baby died, I decided there were other priorities for me. I came home but raising 4 kids is not easy and Yes I was exhausted and not taking care of me. After a few years of homeschooling my growing kids, my super high performance drive kicked in even more and I wanted to go back into the work force. This time I decided to take another route. 

I started looking how I could live healthier, have more balanced work-life, and most of all get in touch with my own emotions and what I really wanted. I stopped just listening to my mind, and started to get in touch with my heart and with my gut. I found a path of alternative healing methods, frequency work, coaching, entrepreneurship and finally allowing my heart to awaken as well. That is how 3 brain solutions came to be. 

Truth is that when your optimize your 3 brains (mind, heart, and gut) you think better, feel better and sense better. That optimized neurological status in turn will change every single relationship you have in your business/ career and life. It has for me. 

Are you ready to change and LEAN IN for real? Choosing YOUR YES for living? 

Create a healthy body with a top emotional state and mental focus? 
Connect deeply from the heart with your family and loved ones?
Enjoy influencing work and sustainable time boundaries without letting your work run your life?

Well, if you are, lets dive deep and NOT only change the way you think, but also deeply change the way you sense and feel about yourself + your world. 

Let's set up our first chat & find out more.