Today our guest is Dee Woolridge who is a Keynote Speaker on Mindset, Communication, and Resilience. She also is a Success Coach and Best Selling Author. Dee is a retired Naval Officer with over 30yrs of service and served on the communication integration team for Afghanistan and Iraq and lead sailors at the command level. Now the founder of the Heart Centered Institute.


1. Dee we would love to learn a bit more about your background as a Naval Officer and being at the command level leading sailors. Can you talk a bit about this area of your life?

2. Now that you're retired you are a keynote speaker on Mindset. Please share your views on mindset and how it plays out in your talk and life?

3. What is the value of a morning routine on mindset in your eyes?

4. You are the author of 5 books and 2 are "Unlimited - Break Free from Beliefs That Block Success and Happiness" and "The Resilient You - How to Bounce Back And Win The Stress Game" can you give us a brief synopsis of these books?

5. What 3 tips can you share with our listeners that they can implement today to help them improve their life and/or mindset?

6. Where can our listeners find you on social media?


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