Today our guest is Jo-Aynne Von Born an Executive coach, trainer, and speaker. She will help you emerge and engage your "inner genius" for the authentic success and happiness you want.   Questions:   1. Jo-Aynne can we step back first and talk about your twenty-five-year career,  as a business development leader, magazine publisher, entrepreneur, professional actress and mindfulness expert to give our listeners an insight to your experience.?   2. Jo-Aynne, can you tell us what is our "Inner Genius"?   3. How do you help people take ownership of their extraordinary self while gaining the clarity, confidence and calm to create their version of success and happiness?   4. Do you have 3 tips that our listeners can take action with today to engage their inner genius?   5. What social media channels can our listeners follow your journey?   ____________________________________________________ Mind Power Mastery Free 8 Part Home Study Course