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Morning Report

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RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that matter to the people of Aotearoa.

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Sports News for 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 19:06 - 2 minutes - 2.03 MB

Tony Brown says he won't be joining up with anyone other than his Japan boss Jamie Joseph if he decides to go for the All Blacks coaching position.

Andy Foster responds to Wellington insurance taskforce findings

November 05, 2019 18:54 - 3 minutes - 3.64 MB

Wellington' property owners are being told they must accept they won't always be able to rely on private insurers in an earthquake. The Mayor's Insurance Taskforce was set up last year in response to rising premiums and some companies refusing to take on any new clients. Wellington mayor Andy Foster speaks to Susie Ferguson

Who is the average New Zealander?

November 05, 2019 18:48 - 5 minutes - 4.73 MB

New Zealand's population is racing towards five million and our demographics are changing with it. But have our perceptions of who the 'average' Kiwi is moved with the times too? As part of RNZ's Now We Are Five Million series, reporter Kate Newton went looking for that average New Zealander - and found that it isn't who you might think.

Shane Jones unrepentant for comments about migrants

November 05, 2019 18:40 - 8 minutes - 7.9 MB

A "Bollywood Overreaction". That's how Shane Jones has described the Indian community's backlash to his comments last week where he said migrants could go home if they didn't like the Government's new visa policy. The policy cracked-down on the partnership visa category - meaning couples must have previously lived together to bring their spouses to New Zealand. But the Indian custom of arranged marriages doesn't fit that mold. Mr Jones speaks to Corin Dann

Bridges defends new recruit Christopher Luxon

November 05, 2019 18:27 - 8 minutes - 7.68 MB

It was only day one, and already the National Party's newest addition was making news. On Monday night, Christopher Luxon was selected as National's candidate for the Botany electorate. And by early Tuesday, leader Simon Bridges was having to defend Mr Luxon over his view that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children could have their working for families payments cut. Mr Bridges speaks to Susie Ferguson.

NZTA facing problems overhauling critical IT systems

November 05, 2019 18:22 - 5 minutes - 5.19 MB

Documents show big problems surrounding the overhaul of the country's critical IT systems for managing highway crashes, snarl-ups and roadworks. The Transport Agency ditched a multimillion-dollar contract soon after signing it, then the alternative system failed on its first outing. Phil Pennington has the story.

United States to withdraw from Paris Climate Accord next year

November 05, 2019 18:16 - 5 minutes - 5.16 MB

The United States has officially notified the United Nations that it will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord in a year's time, 4 November 2020. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted that the US would go its own way as what he called "a world leader in reducing all emissions". President Trump has in the past dismissed climate change as "a hoax" - argued that the accord placed an unfair burden on the US economy.

Fire and Emergency anticipating more fireworks blazes

November 05, 2019 18:13 - 2 minutes - 2.7 MB

Dozens of firefighters battled a large scrub fire in Mt Wellington late last night and another scrub fire on Mt Eden shrouded the city centre in smoke. Fire and Emergency's National Advisor, Fire Risk Management, Peter Gallagher speaks to Corin Dann.

Auckland maunga set alight by fireworks

November 05, 2019 18:10 - 3 minutes - 3.19 MB

Firefighters were called out to 72 blazes last night all of them sparked by fireworks and most of them in Auckland. The largest fires were on Mount Wellington and Mount Eden. Ben Hocking, who was watching the evening's fireworks from the vantage point of Mount Hobson, describes the fire that broke out in the crater on Mount Eden. RNZ reporter Amy Williams has the latest from Mount Wellington.

Business News for 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 17:49 - 9 minutes - 8.32 MB

News from the business sector, including a market report.

Speculation Sonny Bill Williams set to switch back to league

November 05, 2019 17:47 - 4 minutes - 4.26 MB

There's growing speculation All Blacks centre Sonny Bill Williams has signed a multi-million dollar deal to switch codes again returning to the English Super League with newocomers the Toronto Wolfpack. Reports out of both Sydney and England have the 34-year-old second rower agreeing a $10 million deal to play for two years. The Wolfpack, a Canadian franchise, is funded by Australian mining billionaire David Argyle. RNZ's correspondent in Toronto is Laura McQuillan

Rise in number of young people hospitalised for intentionally harming themselves

November 05, 2019 17:42 - 2 minutes - 2.26 MB

Hundreds more young people are ending up in hospital after intentionally harming themselves. Figures from the Ministry of Health show there were more than 3000 hospitalisations of young people under the age of 20 for self-harm in 2018. That's up more than 200 on 2017. Youth mental health campaigner Lucy McSweeny told RNZ reporter Katie Doyle the figures are distressing and she wants action now.

Firefighters called to 72 fireworks related fires

November 05, 2019 17:39 - 3 minutes - 2.92 MB

Firefighters were called out to 72 blazes on Tuesday night, all of them sparked by fireworks Reporter Michael Cropp speaks to Susie Ferguson.

Morning Rural News for 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 17:22 - 5 minutes - 4.87 MB

News from the rural and farming sector.

Early Business News for 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 17:20 - 3 minutes - 2.89 MB

A brief update of movements in the financial sector.

Kiwis had a good deal on insurance for decades - expert

November 05, 2019 17:15 - 2 minutes - 2.24 MB

An insurance risk analyst says New Zealanders have had a good deal for decades and rising premiums are only putting insurers on a par with other quake-prone countries. The Wellington Mayor's Insurance Taskforce says residents can't expect insurance companies to carry as much risk as they have been, and calls for a review of the government's role in the insurance market. It also proposes setting up a Risk Leadership Group chaired by the Mayor and EQC Minister. Melissa Heath, who was on th...

Sports News for 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 17:06 - 1 minute - 1.93 MB

All Blacks centre Sonny Bill Williams is set for his return to rugby league with English Super League newcomers Toronto Wolfpack.

Sports News for 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 17:06 - 1 minute - 1.93 MB

All Blacks centre Sonny Bill Williams is set for his return to rugby league with English Super League newcomers Toronto Wolfpack.

Top Stories for Wednesday 6 November 2019

November 05, 2019 17:00 - 34 minutes - 31.8 MB

Firefighters are called out to 72 blazes sparked by fireworks - most of them in Auckland, the US is pulling out of the Paris climate accord and says it will go its own way, more problems for the Transport Agency as it grapples with hi tech solutions.

Artisan awards take place

November 04, 2019 19:48 - 3 minutes - 3.75 MB

Last night Dave Dobbyn's manager Lorraine Barry was amongst the winners at the New Zealand Music Artisan Awards. Ms Barry won New Zealand Music Manager of Year for her long career with Dave Dobbyn and most recently with Avantdale Bowling Club's Tom Scott. It's the fourth year for the awards, which recognise the behind the scenes talent of the country's music industry. RNZ Music's Yadana Saw was at Wellington's Massey University where the awards took place on Monday night.

Only two Australian-bred horses in Melbourne Cup

November 04, 2019 19:47 - 3 minutes - 3.64 MB

Just two Australian-bred horses will race in the Melbourne Cup, which begins at 5pm on Tuesday. Two of the 24 are New Zealand bred horses, The Chosen One and Surprise Baby. The Irish father-son O'Brien duo have entered seven horses, and there's eight who've never raced in the southern hemisphere including the Japanese Mer De Glace. Racing writer Patrick Bartley speaks to Corin Dann from Melbourne.

Farmer fears GP shortage could cost lives

November 04, 2019 19:41 - 4 minutes - 4.06 MB

A Taranaki farmer fears lives could be lost because rural people are unable to get face-to-face appointments with a GP when they are suffering mental health issues. He says when farmers call their GP they are already at breaking point and shouldn't have to wait weeks for an appointment. RNZ Taranaki Whanganui reporter Robin Martin has more.

Ruling a new dawn for marine areas

November 04, 2019 19:31 - 3 minutes - 3.52 MB

A Court of Appeal decision is being hailed by a marine ecologist as a potential new dawn for the marine environment. The decision says under the Resource Management Act, regional councils can restrict fishing in order to preserve local biodiversity. RNZ fisheries reporter, Conan Young, has the story.

Market Update for 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 19:30 - 1 minute - 1.21 MB

A brief update on the movements in the financial sector.

Mother of Kiwi found lost off Greek coast speaks

November 04, 2019 19:30 - 3 minutes - 3.38 MB

A New Zealand woman lost on a dinghy off the coast of Greece survived two nights adrift before being rescued by the coast guard. Seven patrol boats from the Hellenic Coast Guard, a Navy helicopter and other private fishing boats joined the search for Kushila Stein, from Warkworth. The 47-year-old woman was found on Sunday night after almost 40 hours at sea. Corin Dann speaks to Kushila's mother, Wendy Stein.

Guy Fawkes warnings due to high winds

November 04, 2019 19:28 - 2 minutes - 2.51 MB

People planning their backyard Guy Fawkes parties tonight are being warned to be extra careful because of the fire risk from high winds. In Auckland some are worried the tradition may be coming to an end with the council now urging the government to ban private sales of fireworks. Katie Doyle reports.

Goverment grants extension for expiring learner and restricted licences

November 04, 2019 19:20 - 3 minutes - 3.08 MB

The Government is giving 144,000 drivers an automatic two-year extension for licenses which are due to expire between December 1 this year and December 2021. The reprieve applies to drivers with a current five-year learner or restricted car or motorbike licence. The expiry dates are linked to a law change in 2014 that introduced a five-year time limit on restricted or learner licences. Julie Anne Genter is the Associate Transport Minister.

Business forum praises upgraded free trade agreement with China

November 04, 2019 19:15 - 4 minutes - 3.86 MB

The International Business Forum says the upgrade to the free trade agreement between the China and New Zealand is an important success, particularly at a time when protectionism is on the rise globally. Corin Dann speaks to the business forum's chief executive Stephen Jacobi.

Jami-Lee Ross responds to Christopher Luxon's selection

November 04, 2019 19:09 - 5 minutes - 5.2 MB

Former Air New Zealand chief executive Christopher Luxon was selected as the National Party's new candidate for Botany on Monday night. The party sought a new candidate after sitting MP Jami-Lee Ross left National in October last year 2018 and became an Independent. Mr Ross, who plans to contest the seat in the election next year, is in our Auckland studio.

Winston Peters under scrutiny for superannuation payments

November 04, 2019 18:56 - 3 minutes - 3.41 MB

The Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters was questioned at length yesterday about how he came to be overpaid his superannuation by $18,000 over seven years. The overpayment sits at the centre of a privacy case - brought by Mr Peters - at the High Court in Auckland. The NZ First leader is suing two former National ministers, top civil servants and a government department, claiming they breached his privacy in 2017. RNZ's deputy politcal editor Craig McCulloch was in court.

Occupied Ihumātao land could be granted highest heritage status

November 04, 2019 18:55 - 5 minutes - 4.87 MB

The disputed land at Ihumātao could be granted the highest level of heritage recognition by Heritage New Zealand. It's proposing to change the heritage status of the neighbouring Ōtuataua Stonefields to a category one, and expanding the current boundaries to include the land at Ihumātao. That land is at the center of an occupation that's gone on for more than 100 days trying to stop a Fletcher Building housing development. Andrew Coleman is the Heritage New Zealand chief executive.

Truck chassis designs being checked for safety

November 04, 2019 18:53 - 3 minutes - 3.14 MB

Truck chassis designs are being checked to see if they are safe as part of a multi-million-dollar investigation. This has come to light in a Cabinet paper that indicates the problems could be as widespread as for truck towbars and drawbeams. Phil Pennington is looking into this.

Activists plan their own Melbourne Cup event

November 04, 2019 18:48 - 4 minutes - 3.98 MB

It's the race that has for years stopped two nations, but now some just want the Melbourne Cup stopped. Animal rights activists are asking people who are angry about the treatment of former racehorses to 'Say Nup to the Cup'. The revelation thousands of former racehorses are being destroyed each year has sparked vociferous protests in Australia, but activists have also been poking fun at racing with fake adverts. Kristin Leigh is a spokesperson for the Coalition for the Protection of Rac...

Former gang member tells Royal Commission of experience in care

November 04, 2019 18:44 - 4 minutes - 3.96 MB

The Royal Commission investigating abuse in care has heard a former gang member lost the ability to love because of the time he spent as a child of the state. The inquiry into abuse in state and faith-based care has entered the second week of its hearing in Auckland, where abuse survivors, their advocates and researchers are giving evidence. People at the hearing openly cried as former King Cobra gang member Fa'afete Taiko's spoke about his experiences in care and the impact it has had o...

Chris Hipkins discusses trade deal with China

November 04, 2019 18:28 - 6 minutes - 6.03 MB

Education Minister Chris Hipkins is standing in for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for in her usual Tuesday morning slot.

New Zealand finally secures upgraded free trade deal with China

November 04, 2019 18:20 - 6 minutes - 6.17 MB

New Zealand has finally secured an enhanced free trade deal with China, but there's not yet a dollar figure on the financial benefits for local exporters. It will make it cheaper and easier for exporters at the border, and will give the forestry sector some tariff reductions. The quid pro quo is changes to the visa scheme for jobs here including tour guides and Mandarin language teachers. The news came in the middle of the East Asian Summit in Bangkok. RNZ political editor, Jane Patterso...

Christopher Luxon wins Botany spot

November 04, 2019 18:13 - 7 minutes - 6.52 MB

Christopher Luxon has been selected as the National Party's candidate for the Botany electorate. Mr Luxon put forward his name forward less than a month ago, after six years as chief executive of Air New Zealand. The Botany seat has been won by National with a large majority each election since it was established in 2008. Mr Luxon speaks to Susie Ferguson.

Inside the National Party's Botany selection meeting

November 04, 2019 18:09 - 3 minutes - 3.31 MB

Christopher Luxon has been selected as the National Party's candidate for the Botany electorate. Mr Luxon put forward his name forward less than a month ago, after six years as Air New Zealand's chief executive. He'll contest the seat held by Jami-Lee Ross who quit National last year in spectacular fashion to become an Independent MP. Jordan Bond was at the selection meeting.

Sports News for 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 18:06 - 2 minutes - 1.95 MB

The Black Caps will revert to a more traditional game plan for game three of the T20 series against England in Nelson on Tuesday.

Business News for 5 October 2019

November 04, 2019 17:49 - 7 minutes - 7.34 MB

News from the business sector, including a market report.

Tips for the Melbourne Cup

November 04, 2019 17:46 - 5 minutes - 5.02 MB

Twenty-four horses line up for the Melbourne Cup, the horse race that - as the saying goes - stops two nations at 5pm on Tuesday. It's one of the biggest events of the year for betting in Australasia. Mark Stafford from the TAB speaks to Corin Dann.

Murder trial hears doctor supplied teenagers with drugs, alcohol

November 04, 2019 17:40 - 3 minutes - 3.57 MB

A jury in Dunedin has been told a former doctor on trial for murdering a 16-year-old girl used to supply her and other teenagers with drugs and alcohol. The court also heard that Venod Skantha had offered Amber-Rose Rush tens of thousands of dollars for sex. He is on trial for the murder of Ms Rush and threatening to kill four others, including a 16-year-old boy, to cover up the crime. The teenager was found dead in her bed by her mother on 3 Februrary, 2018. The trial is expected to las...

Morning Rural News for 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 17:22 - 4 minutes - 4.38 MB

News from the rural and farming sector.

Early Business News for 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 17:20 - 2 minutes - 2.73 MB

A brief update of movements in the financial sector.

Medical students caught lying about internships

November 04, 2019 17:15 - 2 minutes - 2.83 MB

Fifteen Otago medical students who went on holiday instead of working in the foreign hospitals they had chosen for their final-year internships may not be able to graduate this year. The students went to an eastern European country to work as interns for up to six weeks but stayed at the medical centre for only one week. The university is asking the students to pay back the grant that funded their travel and they may have to make up the time they didn't work on the internships. The Dean ...

Sports News for 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 17:06 - 1 minute - 1.7 MB

The New Zealand cyclist George Bennett has had surgery in a bid to finally end a long-suffering condition that has held back his career.

Sports News for 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 17:06 - 1 minute - 1.7 MB

The New Zealand cyclist George Bennett has had surgery in a bid to finally end a long-suffering condition that has held back his career.

Top Stories for Tuesday 5 November 2019

November 04, 2019 17:00 - 29 minutes - 26.8 MB

Inside the National Party's Botany selection meeting , Luxon wins Botany spot, New Zealand finally secures upgraded free trade deal with China, Chris Hipkins discusses trade deal with China.

Fine wines, space oven, cookie ingredients sent to space

November 03, 2019 19:51 - 4 minutes - 4.46 MB

A dozen bottles of the finest wines were launched into space at the weekend - destined for the International Space Station. No, it's not for the astronauts - rather it's an experiment to find out what happens to the wine as it ages in space - and whether that's any different to the way it ages on Earth. The bottles' flight has been paid for by ultra-wealthy sponsors who'll receive them as a souvenir of the experiment after they come back to earth in about a year's time. Also on the rocke...

Minister praises Tonga's victory over Australia

November 03, 2019 19:47 - 2 minutes - 2.56 MB

Jenny Salesa is the Minister for Ethnic Communities and is of Tongan heritage. Hon Jenny Salesa is New Zealand's first Tongan born, Tongan speaking Member of Parliament and the first Tongan born Cabinet Minister of the Crown. She praised the Tongan National Rugby League Team, commonly associated with the phrase "Mate Ma'a Tonga", for its victory over Australia on Saturday.

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