I get it, it's not always easy to let go of that competitive mindset. 

We're wired to strive for success, often feeling like it's a race against everyone else.

But as a biz owner for years, I've learned that success isn't a zero-sum game. There's space for all of us to thrive. 

And when one person wins, it can create opportunities for others too. It's more about collaboration than competition.

Especially if you’re a new business owner, these relationships can either make or break your journey. 

Business is tough, no doubt. And balancing it with everything else life throws at us? That's a whole other challenge.

That’s why in this podcast episode, we are going to talk all about leveraging collaborations in our biz, how we can stop self sabotaging ourselves, and actually create the business that we want while cultivating magnetic relationships.

Dive into this episode as I also shared:

Why women are designed to be in community

How I overcome the struggle of fear-based thinking and scarcity mindset in my biz

Why collaborating with others in your niche can become a game-changer for your biz

The importance of trusting your intuition in collaborations to avoid negative outcomes

If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.