May 2023 marks 20 years that Rick has been in the real estate industry. He’s shared Lessons 1-6 with us. Today Rick is concluding this topic with Lessons 7-10.  Want to see first hand what the Rick Fuller Team is like in person? Come visit us in the San Francisco Bay Area! Go to to learn more.

Lesson 1.  All people are created equal but not all activities.

Lesson 2.   Commission can be a motivator but makes a terrible master.

Lesson 3.   To grow big you much also think small

Lesson 4:  There is no good market, there is no bad market, just the market you are in and what you are going to do with it.

Lesson 5:  Your timing is more important than timing the market.  

Lesson 6:  Selling Real Estate is good, flipping is better, holding it is best.

Lesson 7:  If you want to stop running around then you have to run it like a business.

Lesson 8:  You don't have to be a disciplined person but you must be a person of select disciplines.

Lesson 9.  Success in real estate is not found in a good year, it is found in a great career.

Lesson 10:  Spend your career providing the kind of experience your clients would be excited to tell a friend about and you will always be able to pay your bills, invest in your goals, and live out your dreams.  Happy Clients Beget More Clients!

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