As women, we are in a state of collectively healing the feminine. We all have our own mother codes, whether we know it or not, instilled into us from our childhood, our culture, and from the cosmic definition that to be a mother means to have children.

Transformation looks different on everyone, but the weaving patterns of our engrained mother codes and the desire to fully become and express ourselves run deep in us all.

What would life look like if we released our wounds around everything from abandonment to achievement? No longer needed to compare ourselves? What if we weren’t held hostage to our own insecurities?

In raw conversations, your host Dr. Gertrude Lyons, a leading professional life coach and mothering revolutionary, takes us there to see and know what’s possible. So be prepared to show up, hold space and be mothered in a way you’ve never been before, but have always needed. Together, we’ll Rewrite the Mot(HER) Code®.