In today’s episode, Dr. Gertrude shares a call to action for women as we enter Women’s History Month and expresses how no change is too small. She reminds the world that any wave starts with a ripple and every woman has the opportunity to make a powerful impact. In closing, she offers a beautiful tribute for impactful women in history such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Audre Lorde and more! 

Today on Rewrite the Mother Code:

What’s possible when women live their lives fully Dr. Gertrude’s thoughts on 2021 International Women’s Day campaign, #choosetochallengeReflecting on how all movements of change start within the personal paradigmA beautiful tribute to four women who have impacted history

A special note from Dr. Gertrude: I am excited to announce I am offering this mastermind as a gift to all women because I so deeply believe this should be available to all women. You can apply for the free scholarship here. There are only a few spots left; if you miss this one, we will have another one in June!

Connect with Dr. Gertrude: 

Website: IG: @drgertrudelyons Learn more about Dr. Gertrude’s March 2021 MastermindApply for a free March 2021 Mastermind Scholarship

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions